25: Your Guardian Angel

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My consciousness was awakened by a soft cooing above my ear and the gentle rubbing of a stubbled face against my cheek. "So cute...my mate is so cute.. " I heard Caleb coo. I opened my eyes and stroked the arm that secured me against a hard chest. I was getting used to Caleb's fussing every morning.

The sun was up in the sky once more to shine its heat upon us all and I could already hear the soft murmurs coming from the children around us. 

Our little fairy companions chased each other above us with hearty giggles. A small dragon pursued them playfully. I assume that it was Rui. It was a sight that I never expected waking up to every morning. Sometimes, I would think that this was all a dream. That I would wake up in my room again and stare at the same wall. I would do my usual morning routines and I would return to my room feeling no exhaustion whatsoever. I would conclude that my parents' madness turned me mad. 

But if I did turn insane, I would never want to go sane anymore if I wouldn't get to see the family that I have formed without the foundation of a bloodline.

"Bonjour Caleb..." I murmured and let out an uncontrollable yawn.

"Hello Lucian, I missed you so much~" he chirped happily.

I turned my head to see his face and he automatically rubbed his strong well-shaped nose against mine. "But we slept together," I pointed out. How can he have missed my presence so suddenly?

"But talking to you is different," he stated. Caleb's cheerful expression turned into an embarrassed one when his stomach protested for food.  "Ah...I'm famished."

I sat up to see if Slade was already cooking but to no surprise, he was still sleeping. Sevor was scolding the children for messing up the tents that he was trying to fix and Samael was staring at the big pot where Slade cooked. He had his usual weapon in hand and his hood was down. "It would seem that Slade hasn't cooked yet."

Caleb groaned and sat up. "Senutila paviano... (Useless baboon...)" he grumbled and then stood up in his naked form. "I'm going to catch some fish then."

I nodded at him. "You will cook?" 

Caleb pouted. "Well I'm not as good as him but I can fill your tummy with some good food," he boasted. His fangs were peeking under his lips as he smiled. Caleb bent down and pecked my lips and then started to transform as Fenris. I heard his bones cracking painfully and black fur began to stretch throughout his skin. Was it painful to transform? It seemed so but I assume that he was already used to it.  Fenris licked my face happily and hopped around me like a rabbit. His tail waved excitedly and he nudged my face with his nose playfully before charging into the waters with extreme glee. I rose from my spot and heard some of the children greeting me a good morning in different language translations. I haven't been able to ask Lucius why there were so many languages. I will ask him once he gets back.

I approached Samael who seemed to be so fixated on the pot before him. I stood next to him and looked at the object of his concentration. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

He glanced at me with those red eyes. "No...I would just like to taste something." That was right, he didn't need food to survive. The pleasure of taste for his taste buds must have tempted him to eat more and not because of hunger.

"Caleb is catching fishes. We have to wait for him."

Samael faced me fully. "I can try cooking."

I cocked my head to the side in question. "You do not eat but you can cook?"

He tapped his weapon against the ground and a dead mantikhoras dropped behind him causing screams of fear from the children. "I hunted meat earlier," he stated blankly. "And I will try to cook it."

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