31: My Other Half

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"Find the Prince! Bring him back to our Kingdom!"

It was at these times where  I would support Slade for his barbarity. Yes, go, be the man you always were Slade. Show him how proud you were to defend your mbolo bloodline. Make them taste your fury and cook me a dish of rice that was flavored and colored with spinach, cilantro and jalapeños. I would also appreciate it if there were toppings of spiced roasted sweet potatoes and black beans.

Caleb was startled from his sleep that was caused by the alarming voices. He jolted up and then took a peek outside of the tent. I stared at his tooshie and listened to the terrified wails of children along with the demanding words of an unfamiliar man.

"Who are you people and what do you want from us?!" Slade snarled in his raucous voice. Slade had a loud and rough voice that was unpleasant to hear when he was vexed. He never did go apoplectic from extreme anger like what otousan usually ended up. I remembered the times when my trainor was pulling me off of my father's legs because I refused to go and he got infuriated with me. He never screamed. He just stared at me hard. He didn't move. It was like he turned into a statue and the silence  froze me. I was forced to go along with the training. Slade's way of anger had no such impact on me. It was really nice to tease him more for he would respond exaggeratedly. I never did understand my parents at that time and still don't  up until now. They were the cause of my apathetic state but I do not have any rage towards them.

The werewolf suddenly faced me with a panicked expression. "Lucian, stay here!" Caleb stated in a hush whisper. "There are armored men. I will help the twins stop them. It looks like they killed the bird man," he said. He took a peek once more and then faced me to give my lips a chaste kiss before hurrying outside in his butt naked form.

Stay here?

Why would I stay here when everyone was outside?

I slowly crawled and had a ray of sunshine hit my face when I peeked. Raphael was lying on the ground with no signs of movement. He had a big thin thorn sticking at his neck and his wings shed a bit of feathers. Three men stood in the middle. They were stratiótes (soldiers) of the kingdom. They were armored from head to toe and I believed that they had a change of color. They were wearing a luminescent green shaded armor. They also had three pegasus which were different in tint. One was blue like Argo, the other one was black and the last one was red. The twins and the older children surrounded them and soon, Caleb joined them. The younger ones were peeking from their tents and they seemed very afraid. So far, I haven't seen them make a move however, Raphael's unmoving body showed that they were no allies.

Must I spank them for them to learn their lesson?

"Give us Prince Lucian and we will make our way without using any harsh methods," the middle man negotiated.

"What Prince?" Slade scoffed. He showed resistance with his posture and tone.

Then again, he always showed resistance. 

"Leave this place, you are causing much disturbance. We do not desire to use harsh methods as well," Sevor returned sternly. His voice and words had no joke.

Caleb pushed a child behind him. I can tell that he was ready to shred them piece by piece. "And by harsh, he means-" Caleb growled to complete his sentence and snapped his jaw at them.

The soldier hit the end of his spear on the ground. I cannot tell if he was angry or not but I suppose neither of the two fitted him since he was also trained to be an emotionless being. "Give us the Prince or else we will not cure this dying creature on the ground," he warned.  "The poison has spread in his body. It is only a matter of time before his heart ceases. He will experience pain that he cannot express. He will shout in agony within himself. He will die in a silent and torturous way," he shared with neither pity nor remorse. They were cold hearted. They were propagandized that they will serve and be loyal to the royal family above anything else even themselves. They will do anything for the ancient race under the royal family's command but they mostly obeyed the King and Queen.

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