back to the future, cause why not?

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Gabriel and I were just watching the chaos unfold when a woman that looked like me ran by and jumped off the tower.
A man that looked like Gabriel jumped after her, leaving both of us very confused.
Not to mention the fact that they both vanished into a portal before they hit the ground.
"Did you just-?"
"Yes, yes I did just see two people that look like us jump off the tower."
"Okay, so I'm not hallucinating."
"You are not hallucinating, unless we're both hallucinating."
"Why would we do that? Is it even possible for two people to have the same hallucination?"
"I have no idea."
"Anyway- wait, do you think that they could be from another timeline?"
Before Gabriel can answer, Bunnix appears.
"Oh, hey you two, you wouldn't have happened to see two people that look like you would you?"
"We have actually, they jumped off the tower and into a portal."
"Did you see what inside the portal looked like?"
"It looked like a house,(the one from Miss Peregrine's home peculiar children, when Barron comes and takes Miss Peregrine.)and there was some children in it, and a man with white eyes holding a knife or something to one of their necks."
Gabriel said.
"Oh, okay thanks, I'll be off."
And with that Bunnix disappears into one of her portals.

Sorry, I had to make this chapter, mostly due to the fact that the Nathalie and Gabriel from one of my other stories starts dueling and they go through some random portals, leading them to do what they did in this story. I think that at this point, I'm just not even knowing what I'm doing until I've done it, I mean, yeah I don't know what I mean lol anyway, that all for now, baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!

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