idk again

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It had been a couple of days, and in that time, well, Paris was basically in ruins, Gabriel hadn't caused an attack, but somehow there were still akuma's, that was, of course, Nathalie's doing, but still, they didn't know that.
Ladybug and the others tried extremely hard to protect the city, but it seemed as though their new opponent was always several steps ahead.
"Master, do you think that Nathalie could be behind all of this?"
The kwami asked cautiously.
"No, Emilie has her miraculous, and she wouldn't have any way to create any akuma's or anything."
Gabriel said, sounding rather annoyed.
"Nooroo could be right father, I mean, it is Nathalie we're talking about."
"But how? I don't think it's possible to use the powers of the miraculous without the actual miraculous, is it?"
Marinette asked.
"I'm not sure, it's as Adrien said, it's Nathalie, she's unpredictable at best and rather dangerous at her worst."

Nathalie was, currently, planning her grand finale, and she was pretty sure no one would expect it, but then again, Gabriel knew her pretty well, so maybe it wouldn't be quite as unexpected, but one could hope couldn't they?
The bluenette sighed, and called her boss, after the children left him of course, because it wouldn't do to have them potentially ruining her plans.
"Nathalie! Why did you quit?"
"I didn't quit, emilie said that you'd fired me."
"Well she told me you quit."
"Hmmm, oh well, it's to late now, anyway,I called to ask you to get me my tablet."
"And how do you suppose I would be able to do that?"
"Just get me the tablet and then go outside and throw it in the air."
"Okay. But why?"
"Just do it."
And with that he left the dining room and went into his office to her desk, where he knew her tablet would be.
Picking it up he walked outside and threw the tablet like she had said, whatever he had been expecting, it most certainly had not been Nathalie appearing out of thin air to catch it.
"Thank you sir, have a nice day!"
And then she disappeared.
"Well, that was interesting."
He said, and them walked back inside and went back to work.

I know this isn't my best work, but I was lacking inspiration on what I should do with this so this is what I came up with.

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