Jameson appears, who is he?

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Emilie very nearly screamed in rage, everything she had been working on, all her plans, were gone. It was if they had never existed, as if someone had simply gone onto her tablet and deleted it all.

Nathalie, on the other hand, was very close to crying she was laughing so hard.

The potions she had created were beyond perfection, they mimicked the miraculous perfectly. Not to mention there was no limit to how many things she could create.

Her phone rang, causing her to jump.


"Is this Nathalie Sancoeur?"

"This is she."

"Oh, good, I have a warning for you Miss Sancoeur, quit while your ahead, otherwise you're not going to like what happens to you."

"Very well, I'll do my best but I make you no promises, Jameson."

"How did you know it was me?"

"If I tell you that would be considered cheating, you know."

"Tell me you insane freak!"

"I'd really rather not, also, calling me unoriginal names is an insult to the small amount of intelligence you have."

Before Jameson could respond she hung up.

He cursed.

"She's most definitely getting what's coming to her."

He had no idea how correct he was at that time.

Hello! Long time no updates. Eheheheh.... Sorry! I still don't have my phone and I doubt I'll be getting it anytime soon.... Soooooo yeah, I'm using a school iPad currently, and I have it for about the next week... anyway I hope you all are have a lovely time, and how was your Halloween if you celebrated it?

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