probably not what a gala would end as

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*Gabe's pov*

The door opened, and Emilie entered.
"How the hell did you get out of the ropes?"
"Ummmmm, I used my hair pin to saw them in half?"
Marinette said.
"Uh-huh sure you did."
"She did!"
Alya exclaimed.
"Right, anyway, now you all are going to get out and stay away from me."
Emilie said.
"You seem to have forgotten the fact the two if us live in the same house as you Emilie."
I'm pretty sure that she could see the sarcasm in my words.
"I- well, you'll just have to leave me alone."
"And how do you suppose we do that mother? It's rather difficult when we won't know where and when you'll be in a room."
"I- just shut up! I don't care! And Gabriel, Nathalie told me to give you this."
She walks over to me and hands me a note.
"Nathalie's quiting?"
"I guess so."
"Did you know about this before you have me this?"
"No, she told me not to read it and then left."
I felt the same as I did after Emilie went into her coma, empty, broken, alone.
I looked back down at the letter, Nathalie's elegant writing seemed to mock me.
"Did she say anything else?"
"No, now I am leaving, as the gala has been over for the past hour, and I have things I need to do, I'll probably be back at the mansion either tomorrow or the day after."
She leaves us in the room, and I go towards the door, only to be stopped by Adrien.
"Father, are you sure that it's Nathalie's writing? It could be faked."
"I highly doubt that anyone would be even remotely capable of copying her style of writing Adrien, anyway, we should be getting back now."
"Yes father, see you tomorrow guys."
"Bye Adrien, Mr Agreste."
I lead Adrien out of the room without saying anything, and slowly find myself wondering how hard it would be to find Nathalie, I knew it would be practically impossible if she didn't want to be found.

*Nathalie's pov*

Mild annoyance and slight darkness seemed to slowly start changing my thoughts, I have always been more easily corrupted after all.
I sigh as I walk towards one of the nicest cars parked out front, drawing everyone's attention as I get in, causing me to smirk slightly.
This would probably be the last time anyone seen me for quite a while after all, it's not like I can just plan Emilie's downfall overnight.
Or can I? I mean, I could try, but where's the fun in that?

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