Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Scott? Yeah, you and Stiles may want to come to the clinic..." He sighed, "I realize that, but... I know, Scott..."

I heard footsteps come towards me, and cold fingers press against my wrist, "Scott, trust me.. You're going to want to come down here... Now." There was a small tap, signalling that he had ended the call.

I heard the scrape of a chair, and breath on my ear, "Don't worry, Katherine.. We're going to figure this out... I promise."

I tried to move, or to say something, but I could only manage to twitch my index finger.

I heard the man take in a sharp breath, "That's a start." I could hear the smile in his words.


The chime of a bell sounded through the small, compact clinic and the man shuffled to the door.

"Scott, Stiles, what the two of you are about to see, is not only a medical mystery, miracle, but a supernatural one too." He told the boys.

"Deaton, what's going on?" A boy asked... Scott. His voice seemed older, tired, and sad.

Another boy spoke, "Yeah, I'd like to know that too." his voice.. He also sounded worn out, and sadness covered his voice. Stiles..

There was a long pause, and the man took a deep breath, "You should go back there and see for yourself."

Footsteps slowly drew closer and I knew they were finally in the room when I heard both of the boys gasp, "What the hell, Deaton?"

They rushed over to me, and one grabbed my left hand, while the other grabbed my right, "Did you dig her body up, or something? Is this some sick joke?.... Are you into that Voodoo crap?... "

Deaton coughed, "Look at her, Scott. Look and listen."

The air surrounding me grew warmer, and I knew that Scott was leaning close to me. He let out a watery breath, "H-how?" his voice cracked, and I wanted to wake up. To move, or do something.

Stiles held my left hand, and pulled it to him, kissing my knuckles lightly, "How'd you find her? Did you do this?"

Deaton's footseps were heard, and with the pause, I realized he could be shaking his head, "No, I was putting away some files, when she wandered in, looking like that, she said some things and she immediately collapsed, unconscious."

"How can we get her to wake up?" Scott asked.

I heard him sigh again, "Honestly, I have no clue. Katherine simply being here -alive- is, to put it lightly, impossible!"

The aura of the room darkened, and Deaton spoke again, "I looked to the spot where her heart had been.." he trailed off and

Stiles scoffed darkly, "Ripped from her chest?" He practically spat.

Another sigh, "If you want to say it that way. And when I looked, the area on her back had miracuously healed, but on her chest, there are these... Swirls of what seems to be wolfsbane."

The boys gasped, and Scott began to panick, "Than take it out! What if it's poisoning her?!"

"Why would someone save her, only to poison her and waste all of their hard work?"


Deaton paused, "Exactly. But in some cases, very, very, very, desperate cases, wolfsbane is used in tiny, rope like strands to seal deep wounds."

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