Chapter 5

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This. Is. The. Shit.

The Arctic Monkeys are freaking badass.

Chapter 5

I jumped from the jeep, running over to where Derek lay. I reached for his body, and he gravitated into my arms. I dashed into the clinic, and Deaton swiped his tools from the examining table, letting me put Derek's unconscious body on the cool metal.

His limbs fell back into place, and Deaton's eyes widened, "Wow." he stated.

Stiles leaned forward, "Wow? Wow as in 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do' kind of wow?! 'Cause that's kind of what we're hoping for."

He gave us Stiles a weary smile, "I think you might be overestimating my abilities."

Lydia looked over Derek, and grasped his hand, her eyes widening, "He's cold." She looked to Deaton, "Like really cold."

Deaton was quick to begin his examination, and Derek somehow pulled his hand from Lydia's, searching the air.

I picked my nails, and everyone's eyes were on me. I gave them a confused glance, "What?"

Stiles rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "Just hold his hand." He grumbled.

I slipped my hand into his and he let out a soft sigh, gripping my hand tighter.

Stiles huffed again and I rolled my eyes at him.

Scott looked to Deaton, "Do you think this is permanent?"

He checked the dilation of his pupils, and then spoke, "I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience."

I sighed, "And you think it's in ours?!" Stiles rubbed my arm softly, and spoke to Deaton again.

"So what do we do with him?" He asked.

Deaton looked back to him, "Until he wakes up? Not much. It will probably be best if he stayed here with me. He'd be safe."

"You mean from Kate."

He nodded slightly, "If she is alive like you say and is what you say she is, than she won't be able to walk past that gate."

We nodded and Lydia looked back down to Derek, "Why would she want to do this to him?"

I scoffed, "Because she's a psychotic bitch."

Stiles held his hand up, and I slapped my palm to his in agreement.

Deaton shook his head, "Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be good for anyone but herself."

Stiles nodded, "And bad for everyone else."

He nodded and Stiles scratched the back of his neck, one of his many nervous ticks.

My eyes fell for a moment, and I leaned against the table as I slowly fell asleep.

"You guys should probably go home." I snapped back up, rubbing my eyes.

"He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep."

I laughed softly, "Sleep? What's sleep?" I yawned.

He chuckled, "It is a school night. And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again."

I shook my head, "Someone should stay with you."

Derek's grip on my hand tightened, and I sighed, "I'll stay. Who needs school, I'll just be Katherine McCall, the girl who 'faked' her own death. I say that can wait another day."

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