Chapter 18

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to reachingformorex , she is an amazing writer, and I'm actually reading one of her stories now on her other account, doubtful- so go check it out!

Just a few more chapters, you guys, and then "My Teen Nightmare" will be over. (Cue emotional distress).

Start the music when indicated 🎶🎶.

Chapter 18

"Wait." I said, "So Meredith is the Benefactor?" I asked as we walked into Stiles's house, returning from the hospital.

He nodded, setting his keys on the counter, "Yeah, surprised?"

I nodded, "I thought it was Peter." I said.

Stiles's eyes widened, "Me too! I mean, it made sense. He is a psychotic, raging ex Alpha."

I squeezed his hand, "Exactly. I just can't see Meredith doing something like this..."

Stiles sighed, "Many good people do bad things when it comes to what they think is right." (A/N: Not even gonna lie... I totally made that up, but it works, so I'm going with it.)

I let my head fall.

You have no idea.


Stiles held my hand as we listened to the tape Stiles had found of Lydia's grandmother, and Brunski.

"Let's go, Lorraine." Brunski demanded.

"Listen to me." She pleaded, "Please listen. There's something I have to do, something I have to stop."

"I have to take you back to Eichen, Lorraine." He said.

I felt another shiver slide up my spine at the mention of the cruel place.

Stiles leaned forward, increasing the volume.

Lorraine took in shuddery breaths, "No. No. I don't think you're gonna be taking me anywhere." she said, "I can hear the recorder in your pocket. It's on now, isn't it?"

Stiles and I leaned forward, trying to hear for any blimps in the background, or in their voices.

"You're making a tape. Just like you taped the others." She confirmed.

I jumped as Stiles slammed his finger on the pause button.

"This didn't happen in Eichen house." He said.

I sighed, "Than where did she go?"

He looked to me, drumming his fingers along my arm, "That's what we need to find out."

He went to play it again, when Malia flew in, breathing heavily.

Stiles and I stood from our chairs, walking to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She held up a finger, "O-one sec-second." she gasped, "Holy sh-shit. I hate running on two legs."

I looked to Stiles, confused, and he shrugged, "Like we've said before, this is progress." He whispered.

"Okay." She said, straightening her back, "I'm ready."

Stiles and I watched her expectingly, and her eyes widened, "Oh! Scott needs you." she said to me.

"Why? Is he okay?"

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