Chapter 17

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Trust me, you'll want to.

Chapter 17

I scoffed at the burning cyclone in the middle of the party, and the girls grinding what little they have against innocent guys behind them.

"Classy." I commented, going to find Malia.

I found her and Scott talking as she danced, a flask in hand.

I looked at her hair, and covered my mouth with my hand, gasping at how damaged and shitty it looked.

As I neared her, I interrupted their conversation, "Oh, honey. What did you do to your hair?"

She groaned, yelling, "I don't know! Don't talk about it, I'm chopping it all off soon."

I laughed, and she looked to Scott, "I just want to dance." she said, stumbling, "And get drunk."

She can't get drunk.

She stumbled back, and I caught her before she fell, I felt her woozy feeling, and my eyes widened, "You are drunk." I stated, shocked.

She let out a weird laugh, "Yep!"

Scott stepped up beside me, "But you can't be." he said.

I felt my head throb, and I felt nauseous as I held onto Malia. She let out another string of strange cackles, and I felt thoroughly creeped out.

"Malia, I'm debating whether or not to knock you out just to shut up your weird laughs... Seriously, stop, it's freaking me out."

Her laughs ceased, and not long after she let out a pained groan, "Is this what being drunk feels like? It doesn't feel as good as I hoped." she fell against me, looking pale.

I looked to Scott, "What do you think?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "I don't know what could be going on."

Malia looked around, seeming to be in a drunken haze.

I have her a concerned look, grabbing her flask, smelling it, "What's in this?" I asked, concerned, "What did you have to drink?!"

"Just vodka." She exclaimed, her voice growing higher.

I looked behind me, and saw a security guard eyeing us suspiciously. I looked to Scott and Malia, "Stay on your feet, and don't stop moving, okay?"

She nodded, and slung her arm around my shoulder, leaning against me as I guided her with Scott and I, to Liam.

I sat Malia on the nearest bench with Liam, and Scott went to grab them some water. He came back, handing one to me, and one to Liam.

I tossed the cap away, and pushed it to Malia, "Drink this."

She nodded, chugging the cool water. I grabbed her hand, and gave it a small squeeze, feeling myself calm as she relaxed.

"Something's happening, and we need to get both them out of here." Scott said, looking to me, "I think we're gonna have to, umm.." He trailed off, staring at his hands, examining them dizzily.

I stood up from my crouch, stumbling to Scott. He caught me in my haze, and I watched as two Mason's spoke, "How much have you guys had to drink?" He asked, his frame shifting from one of him, to two of him.

Scott looked to me, and I shook my head, "Nothing." he said.

"Not even a sip." I confirmed, falling against the bench, feeling sick.

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