Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Coach took a deep breath, blowing into his metal whistle.

We slowly jogged to him, and he rolled his eyes, "Hustle!"

We circled around him, and he pointed towards Scott and Stiles, "McCall one and Stilinski, grab the long sticks. You're covering goal for two-on-one."

They shared disbelieving looks at Coach's words.

"Let's go! Line it up!" Coach yelled.

I got behind Garett and he sent me a smirk, making me roll my eyes and trip him as he walked forward.

Coach blew his whistle, and Garett scooped up a ball, charging Scott and Stiles.

As he ran, Stiles blocked Garett's left, and he swiftly turned right, raising his stick to shoot, when Scott blocked it, hitting his stick to the ground.

I let out a cheer and the team let out disappointed groans along with Garett.

Coach cheered, "That's my boys!"

Scott and Stiles did their bro-shake, but they paled when their eyes locked on my crouched form.

"Those two are like sons to me." Coach told Andy.

As he boys looked at me, I smirked, looking from under my eyelashes with glowing eyes.

They both groaned, and Coach blew his whistle, making me jump into action.

I scooped up the lacrosse ball, running towards Stiles. He let out a yelp, jumping back slightly to avoid impact with my body. Scott jumped in front of him, and rose his lacrosse stick, making me lower mine.

I ducked under Scott's arm, and shoved Stiles's shoulder, raising my stick, and thrusting it to the goal, making a satisfying swish.

The team let out a roar, and I grinned, stopping when I saw Scott frowning and Stiles gripping his shoulder in pain.

"That's it, Katherine! Way to show them!!" Malia cheered, clapping her hands excitedly.

My eyes widened slightly, and I shushed her, telling her to sit back down.

I took my helmet off, jogging over to Stiles, "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes, grimacing again, "Oh, yeah. Just peachy."

I took another step towards him, and he flinched back, making me frown.

"Why are you being so sensitive?" I asked.

His eyes snapped to mine, widening, "Sensitive?! You freaking slammed my shoulder with your werewolf strength!" He whisper shouted.

I sighed, "I'm sorry."

He rose an eyebrow, "You're sorry." he stated.

I nodded, "That's what I said. Are you deaf too?"

He shrugged, grimacing again, "Well, than. That just makes everything better. And no, I'm not deaf." He huffed.

I grunted, grabbing his shoulder, making him hiss, "Oww! What the hell, Katherine?!"

I placed my hand over where I had shoved him, and absorbed his pain. His tense form relaxed, and he let out a sigh as the pain went away.

I felt his pain, and rolled my eyes, letting go of his shoulder, "It didn't even hurt you, Stiles."

He let a choking noise, "Wha- umm, yeah it did. A lot actually."

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