Chapter 7

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Start the music when the actual lacrosse tryouts begin.

Chapter 7

I hitched my lacrosse bag further up my shoulder, sighing as it finally stayed in place.

Stiles gave us obvious looks as we walked into the field, "Of course you're still Captain, Scott. You're Captain and Katherine's Co-Captain. You guys are the McCall duo, duh."

Scott sighed, "I don't know, man."

Stiles grabbed his shoulder, "Hey, you got your grades up like Coach said to, right?"

He nodded, "Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team, he just told me to show up at tryouts today."

We walked passed the bleachers, and Stiles grabbed my hand, "We've got bigger things to deal with anyway. You guys tell Argent yet?"

"Uh, I texted him, but he didn't get back to me." Scott said.

Stiles and I came to an abrupt stop, "You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?"

I gave him a look, "At least I actually called Isaac to let him know I was alive."

Stiles pointed to me, "You see? Katherine called Isaa- wait what?! You called Isaac?!"

I rolled my eyes, "Relax, he didn't pick up anyway. I just got his voicemail."

He nodded, scratching his cheek, "Oh, okay. Yeah, because that's so much better. First, Derek gets all touchy, feely with you, and now I have to worry about scarf boy swooping in! Great."

I rolled my eyes again, putting my hair into a right ponytail, "Calm down, Stiles. Your inner drama queen is coming out."

He went to snap back, but Scott changed the conversation around, "I just didn't have the money to call France." he told us.

Stiles nodded, "Yeah, you think you have money problems. Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House."

I winced, "Another notice."

He nodded, pursing his lips, "Yeah, this one said 'Final'."

I fixed my practice clothes and Stiles gave us weird looks, "Now what the hell are we doing here again? We've got, like, 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them."

I sighed, "You're still mad about Greenberg taking your spot, aren't you?"

His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped, "You bet your ass I'm still mad! Yeah, okay, he threw the ball and it made it into the goal, so what. Coach says, 'Great shot'. I say he got lucky. I bet he can't even do it again." he snorted, watching as Greenberg tripped over his own feet.

I looked behind Stiles, and saw a freshman catching every shot thrown his way, I smirked, "Hey, Stiles. About that 'status problem'.. It's a problem now."


I motioned to the field, and their jaws dropped at the kid. I fixed my Under Armor shirt, readjusting my pants as I made my way to the field.

Stiles was right behind me, "Who the hell is that?!" He asked.

A blonde boy grinned at him, "Nice, Liam! You may just be our first freshman Captain."

I got my lacrosse stick out, and walked passed the boys, "I don't think so." I teased.

The boys jaws dropped, and the rest of the guys rushed to me.

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