Chapter 6

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Can you say, "Early Update?"

Play the music after Malia speaks about the same scent that was in Mexico.

Chapter 6

Scott pulled into the apartment ramp, only to stop and park when a certain were coyote stood in our way.

Scott's head turned to me, and I took my helmet off, "What are you doing here?" I looked at the jacket she was wearing, "And why are you wearing my jacket?"

She gave me a small smile, "I heard you were coming to talk to Peter. And since you and Lydia tell me he's practically Satan in a v-neck, I figured you could use some back up... And because I liked it."

"I can handle Peter." Scott said, ignoring our meaningless conversation.

She walked over to me, speaking confidently, "You can handle him better with me."

Scott looked to me, an annoyed look on his face, "Sound familiar?" He asked.

I shoved him, "Oh, shut up."

I walked forward, and I could practically feel Scott brooding behind me as I walked ahead with Malia.


Scott grabbed the heavy loft door, sliding it open to reveal an empty loft.

We walked in, and Scott seemed very nervous.

I gave him a confused look, "What's wrong with you?" I asked.

His eyes snapped to me as we walked in, "Nothing."

Malia looked around the loft, "Your heart is pounding like crazy. Are you nervous?"

I heard the extra heart beat, and turned around as Peter spoke, "He's just bad at introductions." He looked up from his book and Scott have him some sort of look.

"Peter..." he spoke, "This is Malia."

Peters gaze snapped to Malia, and he dropped his book, sliding from the sofa. He stared at her, and I could sense her feeling uncomfortable as she moved closer to me.

He continued to stare, and she fixated him with a cold stare as he spoke again, "Beautiful eyes." he stated, "Did you get them from your father?" He began to walk forward, and I tensed my body.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "Mother." She told him.

"Interesting." He went to move closer, only to stop when I shifted my body closer to Malia, growling lowly.

He broke out of his trance quickly, "Anyway, I'm sure they've told you a lot about me." He smirked proudly.

She lifted her chin, "The homicidal killing spree came up."

"Well, we're all works in progress."

She was quick to reply, "Well, when you progress to your next killing spree, why don't you try and make sure they all stay dead."

Score one for Malia Tate.

Peters eyes looked confused as he looked to me, "What is that supposed to mean?"

I rose an eyebrow, crossing my arms, "What do you know about being turned by a scratch?"

He gave me a look that was hard to translate, as if he knew something as he spoke to me, "Did you scratch someone, Katherine?"

I cocked my head to the side, pursing my lips, and he spoke again, turning away from me, "Don't worry about it, the claws have to go pretty deep."

As he walked away, Scott quickly stepped forward, "But it's possible, right? Like if you claw out someone's throat?"

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