Chapter 4

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Play the music when you see this 🎶🎶.

I would play the song when they're on their way to the church, but you do you, boo.

You do you.

Chapter 4

Stiles rubbed my back as we waited for my brother and Araya to come out of the building. I looked down, taking a deep breath to try and calm myself.

Stiles gave me a small smile, which I didn't return, but he made no move that showed if he was offended. The metal door creaked open and my brother came through.

My eyes widened,"Scott!!" I ran over to my brother and threw myself into his arms. He quickly hugged me back.

I breathed in his familiar cologne, and gave him a small squeeze before pulling away. I rubbed his arms as I spoke,"How are you? Are you okay? Are feeling anymore pain?" I asked him.

He chuckled a little,"Katherine, I'm fine, okay? Don't worry about me."

I nodded and turned to the old hunter,"Touch my brother or any of my family again, and I won't hesitate to kill you and your band of hunters. Got it?" I growled.

Scott grabbed my arm,"Katherine, calm down."

The hunter smirked at me,"Feisty one. Now remember what I said, Scott.." she then walked away, leaving me and Scott together.

I gave her back a glare and Scott spoke again,"You can't be so.. Violent, Katherine. Not everything is dealt with by killing someone."

I waved him off,"Yeah, yeah, Savior Scott. Now, what was the.. Hunter, talking about?"

He sighed,"Basically if we turn someone who is innocent we'll have a lot more hunters on our backs."

I shrugged,"So same old, same old."

He nodded,"Pretty much."

We walked back to our friends and Stiles walked up,"So what now?" Stiles held my jacket out, his eyes flashing to my back, but I shook my head, making him pull his arm back.

Scott took a deep breath,"Well, she thinks she knows where we can find Derek."

Malia rolled her eyes,"Well is she gonna tell us where?" I snorted at her sass and Scott gave us a sheepish look.

"She said she was giving us a guide." As he finished the familiar purring of a motorcycle came to us and a woman pulled up, almost hitting Stiles.

I laughed as he jumped behind me, and he glared at me for a moment, before kissing my cheek. She pulled off her helmet and I smiled slightly,"Hey, Braeden."

She looked to me and smirked,"Hello, McCall."

Stiles gave me a curious look,"You know her?"

We shared looks,"We go back." We told him.

"Now, out of all of your little friends, why did you pick me-the mercenary- to go bike shopping?" Braeden asked.

I chuckled humorlessly,"Because all of my friends are treating me like a porcelain doll. So basically, a mercenary is as close as I can get to normal."

She shrugged, and I let my fingers glide over the blue leather seat of the Harley Davidson bike,"What about this one?"

Braeden gave the bike a look of disgust,"Really? I think your bike style is slowly dwindling." I rolled my eyes and went to leave, when I saw it.

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