Ramaca University was once a peaceful place/school until... Mysterious Deaths, Mysterious Killings, Murders, Missing Persons. Then a group of people appeared. The AFCS Club. Join Karl Mendez & the AFCS Club as they divulge the threads of mysteries...
A/N:Hello Readers! We're now at chapter 15, the last Chapter of the Reminiscence Arc! We're ending this Arc with Mark Castro and we're going back to the Main Arc!
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Mark Castro
IT was a beautiful sunny day once again in Ramaca University. Since it was our first day as 8th Graders, I was so excited to meet my classmates and friends as well.
Just like last year, Lucas is my classmate as well as James, Rafael, Eugene, Camille, Pauleen & Lorraine. Ah yes, Lucas is Karl Mendez. I just don't want to call him Karl, that's all.
The reason why I called him Lucas is because it's a fun name, and I got his permission so I don't see the reason why I shouldn't call him like that.
"Wait, really? You let him call you Lucas? Then can we call you by your other names like Alexander or Ryan?" Rafael asked.
"No, I only allowed Mark to call me Lucas, because he was the first person that I've ever been friends with. The exact opposite of what you said in your story, that you're the first one. It was Mark, you were the second one Rafael" Karl said, smiling.
"Ehh, I thought I was first. Looks like I was wrong the whole time." Rafael said, his face shows disappointment to what he heard and learned just now.
"It's not really on how long you're friends with a person. It's all about the memories you cherish with that person/ with the group of people you're friends with." Karl said.
"Yes, you are right. Let's have Mark continue his story. Mark, please continue and sorry for interrupting." Rafael said. "No worries, there have been a lot of interruptions tonight so it's not a big deal." I said.
"Let's go back to where we left off."
And so, at the first day of school we went on our respective sections line. I found our section's line and quickly went in line.
After a few more minutes, our Flag Ceremony is about to start and the welcoming speech of our Principal is about to begin.
The Flag Ceremony is over and the Principal is now making her welcoming speech to our Batch.
"To all Students, we thank you for enrolling in Ramaca University! I'm sure a lot of you are already familiar with Ramaca University, but some of you may not be familiar with it at all." Ms. Santos said.
"But, here in Ramaca University we are always helpful to each other and always has each other's back. It's like we're a family inside this school. Treat each other like you're all family members and let us have a peaceful and wonderful school year ahead of us! Again, welcome to Ramaca University, Ramacans!" Ms. Santos said, smiling.