Ramaca University was once a peaceful place/school until... Mysterious Deaths, Mysterious Killings, Murders, Missing Persons. Then a group of people appeared. The AFCS Club. Join Karl Mendez & the AFCS Club as they divulge the threads of mysteries...
A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN DEAR READERS! WE HAVE A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL SPECIAL UPDATE! I hope you enjoy reading this super duper Special Update!! We have a shameless plug for this as well! Have fun reading! Happy Halloween!!!
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I cannot believe what I just heard, we are having a Halloween Party in School this November 1. I started asking my friends and classmates if that was true. "Hi Guys! Is it true that we're having a Halloween Party this sunday?" I greeted them and asked. "What you just heard is 100% true, it's okay to have that kind of Halloween Party, but I hate the fact that I have to go through all the trouble to find a costume." President Mendez said.
"What? Costume? What are you talking about?" James asked staring at President Mendez looking confused. "While walking during the free time we had, I overheard the Student Council's President Pauleen Gomez say the following words. We are having a Halloween Costume Party.Is what she said." President Mendez said. "Oh boy, I can't wait." They said.
"Why are you so excited? Can't you see Lorraine being nervous about it. By the way, why are you nervous at the first place?" President Mendez asked. "I mean, why can't you be nervous when you heard about that?" I said. "See, I told you she's also stressed on why we need to wear Chilidish Costumes let's not-" I interrupted him. "I'm nervous because what if I become the Best-Looking Witch ever?" I excitingly said. "See, I told you- Wait what?" President Mendez said. "Okay, let me ask you this. What's the point of having fun, if you're forced to wear costumes? Especially Childish ones?" President Mendez asked.
"You're just scared that you're not going to be that good-looking aren't you?" They asked. "Okay, fine fine. But we must attend there as a Group. We'll decide what to wear using Rock-Paper-Scissors. If I win against all of you. We'll wear Normal Outfits. If I lose to two of you I'll wear a Costume. Is that a deal?" He asked. "Yes, deal. Let's do it now. I'll go first." I confidently said. "Rock, Paper, Scissor Shoot!" I went with rock and closed my eyes, when I opened my eyes he shot Scissors and I won!
"One more! Get us the win Pau!" I said. "Sure thing!" She confidently said. "Rock, Paper, Scissor Shoot!" Pau shot Rock and President Mendez shot Scissors. Again. "Looks like we won the deal, huh?" I said, laughing. They also laughed. "That's cheating, but a deal is a deal. Let's meet in front of my house early in the afternoon. You can choose whatever you want to choose there. Oh, my Brother will be at the house so let's do it in Lorraine's House. Will that be a problem? Or is it okay for us to do so?" He politely asked. "No problem at all." I happily answered his question.
"Good, so let's meet up there I'll tell Mr. Estrada to help me bring all the Costumes in our House that should be used by our Cousins who were supposed to visit this week, but they can't due to some reasons which I don't know. And that wraps it up. Let's meet early in the afternoon tomorrow at Lorraine's House. That's all you may all go home now." He said. We just nodded and went out to go home.