Starting Fresh (Pt. 1) - Erik

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this is one of my phantom of the opera oneshots that I've posted on, Tumblr, AO3 and (where you can check me out - nerdywriter36 :D) and decided to bring over here as well :)


Erik lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling of the room that Adele Giry had provided him with as he tried to plan out his next move. For once, running from his enemies, his past, his demons wasn't an easy decision, and it was all because of the woman lying in his arms.

Because of her.

The last few days had all been a blur. Though not much stuck out besides the ultimatum he had given to Christine and the battle with the Vicomte for her affections...and the two kisses she gave him. After that - after he watched them go - it was all dark; he had simply gone through the motions to escape the mob, taken Madame Giry's offer of sanctuary without question. Without her, nothing mattered to him.

But then, she came back.

The Girys - Adele and her nosy little daughter - had gone out to begin looking for ways to arrange passage out of Paris, having told Erik they would be gone that night and the following day. What they had failed to tell him about, though, was the visitor that would also be spending the night in their home...


"Why are you here?" Erik asked, keeping his voice quiet as he made an effort to ensure it wouldn't break as he stared at her - her.

"I-I had to see you for myself," Christine said meekly. Her feet were shuffling on the carpet, a curl twirled around her finger, he noticed; she was nervous.

"To confirm that I was as broken and humiliated by my actions as you presumed I was? Well, here you are. Now go." Oh, but how badly he wanted her to stay.

Before he could make another move, though, she was standing in front of him, her hands gripping his lapels to keep him in place before her. "I came because I feel terrible about how we parted. I care for you too much to allow us to part ways on such horrific terms, no matter what happened," she admitted, looking up at him with her brown eyes filled with tears.

His heart ached to see her in such pain, knowing he had caused that. So it was then that he made a move to do what he wished he could have done so many times before; he reached up to brush a stray tear from her cheek and wrapped a shaky arm around her waist to hold her close to his chest. He could not even believe he was doing it; his heart was beating so hard against his chest that he was sure she could feel it, tell how nervous he was.

"To leave have to watch you go knowing what I had done to you brought on a feeling of guilt and heartbreak as I have never known before," he whispered. "I could apologize a thousand times over and it will never be enough to make me worthy of your forgiveness, but you must know, my angel, that I truly am sorry."

She nodded silently, her hand lifting to brush his cheek just briefly. "I know you are. I can see it in your eyes," she said softly.

And then, hardly a moment after she'd spoken, her lips met his.


Erik couldn't help but smile at that. She'd kissed him again, of her own free will, with no life on the line. That one kiss still shocked him, never mind what followed; their kisses quickly growing more passionate, their stumbling feet as they found their way back to his bedroom. Christine's quiet sigh when his kisses trailed from her lips to her neck. Her fingers swiftly undoing the buttons of his shirt and trousers and-

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