POTOber Day 30 - I Will Send You the Angel of Music

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another piece that BrendaDaaeDestler and I wrote together! we had a lot of fun with this one <3

day 30 prompts - ghost/angel/just a man

Erik sighed into his folded arms. He was draped over his desk and had been that way for the past half an hour or so. He figured that his lack of sleep was getting to him, for his persistent chills and aches seemed to suggest that something was off.

However, he knew that he had things to do, and he was not going to let a lack of sleep—or what he thought was simply a lack of sleep—affect him. After all, he was the Opera Ghost, the Angel of Music. He was invincible. He could do this. Just...in one more minute. Two at the most, he told himself.

About twenty minutes passed, and he remained in his place. Eventually, though, he lifted his head ever so slightly when he heard someone rowing down the lake.

"Erik, are you home?" he heard his friend, Nadir, call out, which only elicited a groan on his part. He wasn't particularly interested in talking to anyone; he would have much rather been able to simply lay on his desk for another minute or so in peace...well, as much peace as he could possibly be in.

"Erik?" his friend repeated a few moments later, his voice coming from just behind him with a noticeable tone of confusion to it. "What's going on?"

"I'm dying, Daroga," Erik replied with a sigh.

"You know, you've made this claim before and I've never really believed you, but just looking at you, I'm inclined to believe you," Nadir said.

"Thank you," Erik mumbled, burying his face in his arms again. "Now, go away."

He heard Nadir chuckle a bit. "If you're dying, I don't think I should leave."

"I know, but I have things to do," Erik replied, sighing again. "Christine's next lesson is today, and I have to begin my journey to the land of the living in a few minutes."

"Erik, you don't look to be in any shape to go anywhere," Nadir said as he stepped over and set a hand on his friend's shoulder. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine." Erik attempted to suppress an oncoming cough, but only failed miserably and made it sound more as though he were choking. "Really, I'm fine," he said again after the fact.

"Yes, that cough was very convincing," Nadir replied. "Look at me, Erik."

"I don't want to."

"You don't want to do a lot of things, but I want you to look at me this time."

"Okay, fine," Erik said, sighing as he looked up at his friend. "There are two of you now."

Nadir frowned as he looked at his friend. "Erik, you're very pale," he said softly. "More so than usual. And there really shouldn't be two of me."

"Thank you for those observations, Sherlock Holmes," Erik replied, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, shut up," Nadir retorted. "At least one of us is capable of realizing that you're sick."

"I am not sick, I'm fine," Erik said as he slowly stood up, coughing slightly through his words. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready."

"Erik, you can't be going anywhere like this," Nadir said with a sigh, reaching out to steady his friend when he stumbled a bit. "You need to go to bed and rest."

"No," Erik replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Yes," Nadir said as he grasped his friend's forearm and tried to tug him forward. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

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