POTOber Day 29 - Box 5 To Be Kept Open

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day 29 prompts: threats/notes/box 5 

As Nadir stepped into the opera house, he could almost feel that something was off. There seemed to be a hush all around as he walked through the hallways and it was rather eerie; normally, there was so much life everywhere with preparations for upcoming shows, rehearsals, or some sort of gala, but there didn't seem to be anything of that sort going on. Especially strange considering Christine Daaé's triumph in Hannibal only the other night.

He wasn't exactly sure who he could go to in order to get exact answers, given that most everyone around the opera house looked at him rather skeptically, whether that was because of his skin colour or because of how often he was there without flirting with a ballerina. As he wondered about that, though, he smiled to himself when the one person who never tried to push him away when he visited came walking rather briskly down the hallway.

"Adele, it's good to see you," he said, his smile growing a bit as the ballet mistress pressed a quick kiss to his cheek when she approached him. "Is something going on here? It seems oddly deserted."

"It is, yes, and there certainly is something going on," Madame Giry replied with a sigh. "The Opera Ghost has been making trouble. He sent notes to both the managers, La Carlotta, and the Vicomte de Chagny, all to do with Christine Daaé. She went missing over the performance last night, but has since returned; she won't say where she was, but I suspect he had whisked her away. Not that that helps; we don't even know who he is, and it's not like we can talk to him at all."

Nadir quirked a brow at that, sighing as he came to a realization that no one else in the opera house had come to just yet. "I might be able to work something out. Leave it to me," he said, gently rubbing her back when he saw the look of worry that she was trying to hide. "Why don't you show me some of these notes in the meantime? I'll see what I can make of what our ghost is trying to tell us." 


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