POTOber Day 31 - Prelude to a Bright New Year

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this is it, the last day of the POTOber challenge! this was such a fun challenge and an awesome writing exercise too, so thank you to CoatnTails for organizing it!

day 31 prompts: masquerade/red death/disguise


"Is this really a good idea, Erik? Especially considering your last masquerade appearance," Christine remarked as she looked up at her husband, with whom she was arm-in-arm as they walked up the front steps of the Palais Garnier, their son, Gustave, hurrying ahead of them to the doors.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be alright," Erik nodded. "We're wearing completely different costumes from the last time, it's eleven years later, and we have a son now. No one will suspect anything."

Christine sighed, still a bit worried about her husband being recognized, but she decided to trust him on that. He did have a point, they were dressed completely differently; she had donned a white domino costume while Erik wore the black counterpart, and she was thoroughly impressed with the fact that she had managed to get him to wear something significantly more subtle than what he had worn on his last masquerade outing. The Red Death costume of all those years ago simply wouldn't do, especially when they were trying not to have the ex-Phantom of the Opera noticed by anyone who might recognize him.

"Let's hope not," she said. "That would put quite the damper on our night."

"You do have a point there, my dear, but it seems that Gustave is already enjoying himself," Erik said, laughing quietly as they observed their son admiring the scenery of the Opera's Grand Foyer, filled with dancing couples. "We'll be fine."

With a nod, Christine pressed a kiss to his masked cheek before she stepped over to her son and set a hand on his shoulder. "Gustave, you can go around and enjoy yourself, but I want you to always try and keep an eye on me or Papa, alright?" she asked. "We would hate for you to get lost."

"I will, Mother, I promise," Gustave replied with a wide smile. "Can I go explore now?"

"Yes, go ahead," Christine said, smiling back at him. "I love you."

"I love you more!" Gustave explained as he hugged her around the waist, then hurried off down the halls of the Opera.

Christine laughed quietly to herself as she watched him go, then turned around to look for her husband, only to find him standing just behind her. "Waiting, were you?"

"Indeed I was," Erik replied, smiling and holding out his hand to her. "Care to dance, my angel?" 

 "Care to dance, my angel?" 

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