POTOber Day 15 - I Remember There Was Mist

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yes, this is short, but i thought it worked better this way than to try and draw it out haha. enjoy nonetheless! 

day 15 prompts: delirium/dreaming/the mannequin

Morphine had become his perfect escape. Erik had quickly realized that it had become more of a need than just an occasional want; he had come to appreciate that if he had any desire to stop his use of the drug, getting there would be far from easy. Still, he couldn't see why he would want to do that. Everything was so calm and peaceful and perfect when he filled his veins with what he considered to be that miracle drug.

She was there when he sunk into that thick fog. Christine. She was there and unafraid of him, she would hold him close and he had her love. It was his perfect world playing out right before his eyes; to be able to hold the woman he loved in his arms and know that she returned his feelings and would never leave him, never be afraid of him. It was all so perfect, the definition of what he wanted and wanted to last forever.

It never did. He always woke up and had to face the sad cold reality of life alone.

The next blissful dream could never come soon enough. 


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