Irreparable Damage

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a part 2 to the oneshot i wrote for day 4 of coatntails' POTOber writing challenge!

when i wrote the oneshot for day 4 of coatntails' challenge, i always knew i wanted a follow-up and am just now getting to it! reading the original oneshot will make sure you understand it all, but a quick summary if you haven't: this was kay's final lair, nadir and raoul in the torture chamber, but it doesn't end so well as it did in the book. that oneshot was taken from nadir's point of view, but now we'll see erik's view of the aftermath.

sorry for the angst in advance.


Erik's hands were shaking as he took a few steps away from Christine. He still couldn't believe that she had looked at his wretched face, touched it ever so gently, and...and kissed him! Something he never imagined he would receive, much less from her! At least he had had enough awareness to return her kiss ever so slightly—as best as he knew how to, that is—but goodness knew he didn't deserve it after all he had done to her. Lied to her, frightened her beyond belief, threatened those she cared for, and now this? Nadir's assumption that he was never anything less than a gentleman had proven false over and over again in such a short period of time.

Oh god. Nadir.

His breath hitched as he remembered his friend and the young Vicomte were still locked in the torture chamber, and he began to register Christine's hand on his arm as she begged him to free them, her voice barely a whisper. He didn't say a word; he merely walked to the wall with the controls to the chamber, shutting it down and leaning against the wall momentarily before he opened the door. He held out a hand to stop Christine when he noticed her step forward; he preferred that she stay out of the chamber, not wanting the lingering heat to affect her at all. He didn't want her to be hurt anymore that night if he could help it.

The Vicomte shuffled out a moment later, tailcoat in hand and looking a bit shocked when he saw Christine. Clearly, he had thought the wicked Phantom had killed her, but Erik had not the heart nor the energy to fight that errored assumption. He simply wanted nothing more than to hide his face, his shame, never to be seen again.

Still, he knew he had to tend to other matters before he could allow himself to wallow in his own self-hatred. He turned his attention to the young boy, instructing him to slip into his coat and ensuring he was in a good enough state to see Christine to safety. The Vicomte's health mattered solely because Christine's wellbeing depended on it, and if it meant his Angel would be cared for, Erik would do anything.

He ensured the boy knew to marry her as soon as possible, but as he secured that promise, he registered that his friend had yet to emerge from the chamber. The realization brought a frown to Erik's face, and he stepped towards the door with the intention of investigating.

"Daroga?" he called before he took a step inside, then caught sight of his friend on the ground, leaning against the mirrored wall with his jacket cast to the side. "Daroga, come and I'll fetch you a drink. It would mean very much if you would stay."

Erik's frown returned when the other man was silent, so he stepped closer and crouched down beside him. "Daroga—" he began as he prodded his friend's shoulder, only to flinch and move to catch him when he suddenly slumped to the side.

"Nadir?" Shuffling forward, Erik collected his friend in his arms, his heart sinking to the ground when he noticed how still Nadir was, how he couldn't see those sharp green his chest hadn't risen and fallen even once as he'd been sitting there.

What he thought had happened couldn't have happened. That was impossible, Nadir couldn't simply couldn't have happened, it couldn't have.

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