POTOber Day 19: Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again

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day 19 prompts: the famous Swedish violinist/the graveyard/grief

Erik had noticed that Christine was most certainly not herself over the course of the past few days. Normally, his wife was cheerful and always smiling no matter what she was doing, but especially when she was either singing or doting on their infant son, Gustave. That baby boy brought her more joy than anything else in the world and Erik loved to see them together, no matter what they were doing, but even those interactions hadn't been the same as of late. Of course, she still smiled whenever she was holding the baby and was happy when she was with him, but...it just wasn't the same and Erik couldn't exactly put his finger on it, though he felt he should have been able to discern the issue.

It finally all came to light in the middle of the night that night. He had been working late in his study, just about to stop himself so he could go to bed when his son's crying did that for him. Wanting to let his wife sleep, Erik set his pen down and made his way across the hall into the master bedroom, but found Christine already standing by their son's bassinet, cradling Gustave in his arms. He smiled warmly at the sight and stepped over to join them, wrapping an arm around his wife, but his smile dropped immediately when he noticed that she was sniffling and fighting back tears even as she hushed their son.

"Christine, what is going on, my darling?" Erik whispered, gently turning her to face him and sighing as he brushed her tears away with his knuckles. "Something has been bothering you for the past few days and you haven't said a word."

When his wife shook her head and leaned close to his chest, refocusing on the baby, Erik sighed again and gently lifted Gustave out of her arms to prop the boy up against his shoulder and pat his back. "You've told me not to hide behind caring for the baby when I'm struggling with something, so you cannot do the same," he said with a slight smile when she looked up at him in confusion. "Now, tell me what's wrong, my love."

Christine sighed and reached out to smooth down their son's hair as he quieted on his father's shoulder. "Tomorrow is the anniversary of...of when Papa..." she said, trailing off as fresh tears filled her eyes and she buried her face in her husband's chest.

Erik cursed himself for not remembering. He was usually so good at keeping track of what time of year it was in regards to her father's death, but he must have lost his sense of where they were in the year; Gustave's birth had thrown things off a bit.

"My darling, I'm sorry. I should have remembered," he whispered, holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head. "I'm so sorry."

"You have other things to worry about besides my grief," Christine whispered back.

"Perhaps I do have other things going on in my life, but as your husband, I consider it part of my duty and a way to make myself a good spouse to know what is on your mind and to help you when your heart aches," Erik replied as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Go get into bed, love. I'll join you in a moment, let me just set Gustave down."

He didn't let go of her until he saw her nod, so as she stepped over to their bed and buried herself beneath the sheets, Erik gently lowered their son into his bassinet, hushing him all the while to ensure he stayed asleep. He smiled as he heard Gustave coo quietly while he dreamed and then, content that the baby would stay asleep, he slipped into his nightshirt and then slid into bed next to his wife, pulling her into his arms.

"I know you miss him," Erik whispered as he kissed Christine's forehead. "I wish I could do something about it."

"You can't bring him back," Christine said in a soft voice, though it was thick with unshed tears. "That's the only thing that could fix it, but I know that can't be done. We've named our son after him and that alone was something that I will never be able to thank you enough for."

"Well, I happen to be rather fond of the name Gustave," Erik replied, smiling slightly when his wife laughed breathily and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I think it suits him, and I think your father would have been very sweet on that little boy. It's fitting."

"Yes, I think so too," Christine nodded. "I just wish they could have met."

With a sigh, Erik squeezed her against his side and pressed a soft kiss to her nose. "I know. I do too," he said quietly. "But we can go visit your father tomorrow, alright? We'll bring Gustave, of course, and they'll be able to have that little introduction. I know it will never measure up to if they had been able to meet in person, but...I think it's something. What are your thoughts?"

"I would love that," Christine replied, giving him a small smile. "Thank you, Erik."

"Of course. Can I do anything to help you right now, though?"

He noticed his wife quirk her brow slightly before she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. "Your kisses are always a rather good distraction."

"Well then, I shall happily provide you with that," Erik said, smiling and cradling her head with his hand as he kissed her again. "Anything for you." 


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