Starting Fresh (Pt. 2) - Christine

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It was still dark when Christine opened her eyes, telling her she hadn't been sleeping as long as she thought she had. A quick glance out of the window - which had surprisingly been left without the curtains drawn - confirmed her suspicions; she could see the glittering stars, but the moon was noticeably absent, making everything significantly darker than it would be on a normal night. She found that fact only amplified the lingering sense of sensuality in the room she had woken up in; the moonless sky on top of the pleasant heaviness of her entire body and the feeling of the sheets against her bare skin. That simple reminder of the night she had had was enough to make her blush, and she turned her head to look at the very man she had shared that night with.


She could finally put a name to the face of the man that she had adored for so long; he was no longer the Angel of Music or the Phantom. He was Erik; a mortal man with flaws and talent and the greatest capacity to love she had ever seen in a human, despite it having been so long suppressed. The man that she realized she had come to love even more than the man she was intended to marry in only a few hours' time.

She hadn't expected her evening to take the turn that it had; she had come to visit Meg and her mother with a desire for one last night of familiarity before she married Raoul and her whole life changed completely. True, she had been disappointed to discover that the pair was leaving that evening and wouldn't be back until late the next day, but they had offered for her to stay in their home for the night so she could enjoy the feeling of a familiar bed.

Little did she know that they had left out one critical detail...


Christine couldn't believe her eyes. For a moment, when they had first locked eyes, she had tried to convince herself that it couldn't have possibly been him; she told herself that the mob had gotten to him that night when she left him and that they had dragged him away to prison or beaten him or every other horrific scenario her mind could create. Then again, she thought, Who else could it possibly be? No other man carried himself the way he did - with such grace and confidence - and there was certainly no other man who looked like him. So it was him...standing in the same room as her, his gaze stuck on her.

She hadn't thought he would really be there. In truth, she hadn't just gone to the Girys' for the sake of a familiar home and bed to stay in the night before her wedding; she had gone to them with the hope of finding any information she could about her Angel's whereabouts. She just hadn't expected him to actually be there.

" Why are you here?" he asked. His voice was quiet, she noticed; he was nervous. Or emotional, perhaps. She was never quite sure with him.

" I-I had to see you for myself," she replied. She knew she couldn't lie to him because she knew he would see right through her. She was also well aware of the fact that her shuffling feet and nervous habit of twirling her hair would give away how anxious she was about their interaction, but she knew that any attempt to hide those same ticks from him would give him away even faster.

" To confirm that I was as broken and humiliated by my own actions as you presumed I was?" he demanded. "Well, here you are. Now go."

Christine wasn't sure what compelled her to move, but before she could convince herself not to, she rushed over to him and gripped the lapels of his jacket tightly in her hands, resting her head against his chest. She wasn't going to let him leave; she couldn't lose him again.

" I came because I feel terrible about how we parted. I care for you too much to allow us to part ways on such horrific terms, no matter what happened," she admitted, tears pooling in his eyes as she looked up at him and found his own rich brown eyes looking back at her, the tears welling in them making the flecks of gold stand out more than they normally did.

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