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i wrote this a while ago with a pair of my OCs from 'Like Father, Like Son' and wasn't going to post it, but ofserien on tumblr loves these two and wanted me to post it, so here's this quick little drabble thing. enjoy :)


"Did you feel that?"

Maddie smiled, turning her head to look at her husband as he laid next to her on their bed, his hand on her stomach. "Yes, dear, I did. Just like I felt it the last time, and the time before that, and every single time before that as well."

"I'm just excited, you know that," Charles mumbled, gently running his hand over her belly. "Scared out of my mind, but excited nonetheless."

"You are going to be a wonderful father, Charles. You don't need to be scared," Maddie replied, gently setting a hand to her husband's cheek. "Our little girl is going to absolutely love you."

Charles scoffed. "Little girl? No, no, we are definitely having a boy and naming him William. I know it."

"Right, sure. Believe what you want, I suppose."

"Alright, I will," Charles laughed, sitting up in bed and leaning over to kiss his wife's stomach, resting his forehead against it. "Hello, little one. You have to be a boy and prove Mommy wrong, okay?"

Maddie rolled her eyes as she slowly sat up and smacked her husband's arm. "You're a pest," she said, laughing as Charles pulled her onto his lap.

"But you love me nonetheless," Charles said with a cheeky grin.

With a sigh, Maddie smiled back at him, cupping his face in his hands. "I do. Both me and Baby love you very much," she replied as she leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss.



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