POTOber Day 3 - My God, This Place Really Is Haunted

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day 3 prompts - taunting/insults/Prima Donna 

this oneshot - a modern Cherik AU - was written together with my best friend, BrendaDaaeDestler; she wrote the first half and i finished it off! 

Christine looked out the window and sighed as she watched the taxicab slow to a halt behind the car in front of them. Turning her head, she exchanged a glance with her boyfriend and smiled slightly. "Well, another stoplight," she remarked, her tone soft.

"So it would appear." He noticed some water splash onto the window out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but laugh quietly to himself when Christine groaned quietly. "Don't fret, my darling. I'm sure none of this will delay our arrival by very long."

"I know, I know. I suppose I just don't want to miss anything, and the rain tends to affect traffic," Christine replied, sighing again. She shuffled across the backseat and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I have been looking forward to this all week, and I don't want our night to be ruined."

Erik smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, hugging her tightly to him. "My Christine, I can promise you that, even if we are a bit late, it will not ruin our evening," he said softly, his lips pressing gently to her forehead. "Now, let me see you smile."

Christine chuckled quietly, looking up at him. She pressed a kiss to the synthetic skin of his mask. "I really wish you would stop wearing your prosthetic when we go out. You look so much more handsome without it."

Sighing, her boyfriend reached up a hand and gently ran it down one side of his face. "You know why I wear it, Christine," he muttered softly. Apparently not wishing to discuss the topic any further, he said in a more confident tone: "You know, I'm still not at all happy about the fact that my father's successor was chosen for him when he retired. I hear that the new manager—this Monsieur Choleti—knows nothing about music, and he bought his way in because his wife is an opera singer."

"I heard the same. I tried Googling her to find out how well she sings, but I didn't come up with anything," Christine replied. "I only hope she's decent."

"Only decent? If she's anything less than astonishing, I'm sending them a very strongly worded letter," Erik said with a nod.

His girlfriend laughed, and he laughed with her, but they both knew that he was entirely serious. Eventually, Christine remarked that she wouldn't blame him in the least if he were to take such action.

At some point during their conversation, the cab had begun moving again without the two realizing, and very soon, they arrived at the Palais Garnier. The rain was pouring by that time.

Erik quickly paid the driver and got out of the car with his girlfriend. Immediately, he slipped off his suit jacket and held it over her head to protect her from the rain as they ran inside.

"Erik, that wasn't necessary," Christine said with a quiet laugh, opening the door for her boyfriend. "Thank you, though."

"It was my sincere pleasure," Erik replied, smiling fondly at her as he slipped the jacket back on. Offering her his arm, he led her further into the building. The two made their way up to Erik's private box—box number five—and took their seats, both of them sighing contently as they did so.

"I'm so relieved that the show hasn't started yet," Christine said with a smile, setting her purse on her lap. Unzipping one of the side pockets, she produced a brand new bag of M&Ms and promptly tore it open.

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