Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Amelia's POV

Crap. I need to get out of here. I was already going to be heading to Texas for Ember's wedding; I can just head out early and decide what to do from there. I just need to get out of his apartment, get to my place, gather my stuff and get gone. I only ever stay in one place at a max six months so I keep my stuff ready to go with in 10 minutes. I like to be able to go whenever I find my next adventure or I just get bored whichever comes first. I grew up in a small Podunk town in Oklahoma and as soon as I turned 18 I was out of there and haven't stepped foot back there since. Ember was my best friend growing up, we're more like sisters, and she's been the only one from there that I've kept in touch with since my parents are good for nothing alcoholics who like to get a little violent when they've had too much to drink. I guess you could say she's the only constant in my life. She was similar to me in that she tended to move around but then she settled in St. Louis for several years and now she is getting married to a biker from Tyler, Texas. I cannot believe that Ember strong moral compass moves like a tumbleweed Ember is settling down with a biker. She seems happy though, which is all that matters.

Back to the problem of Henry though, I knew I shouldn't have said yes to a date with him. I got this bad feeling from him and I should have just listened to my instincts. I'm going to make it to where I can get a good head start and then he won't be able to follow me to Texas.

"Princess?" Henry called through the bathroom door.

Crap, I've been in here too long, "Coming, I just need to wash my hands." Come on Amelia, think! I turned the water on for the sink while I continued to try and think of a way out of the situation I am.

When I opened the door Henry was right there waiting for me and engulfed me in a hug, "I missed you princess. I don't like it when we're apart even if you're just in the other room." I shoved down my urge to cringe at that. It was the first date and the creeper vibes coming off of Henry were strong. He pulled back finally and was beaming down at me so I forced myself to smile at him in return. "Come now, I've made you dinner." He began to pull me by my wrist with a firm grip towards the kitchen.

As we walked back through his apartment I noticed a lamp on a side table. This is probably my only chance. I quickly grabbed the lamp and before Henry could turn back toward me I slammed the lamp down on his head. He stumbled forward some and before he could recover I slammed it down again putting all my strength behind it. Henry fell forward and didn't move this time. I stared at him wide eyed for a few beats before I snapped out of it and ran out of the apartment after grabbing my purse.

Climbing into my car I took a deep shuddering breath before I started my car up and began my escape from Chicago.

Blade's POV

The spark of a flame that Flame had originally ignited had slowly started to come back after she returned from St. Louis. She was like a sister to me and made my dark miserable life a little better by being in it. Hawk was even more protective of her now. I can't imagine what he'll be like when she's pregnant. That was a thought. Though I guess with a couple of the brothers already having old ladies the next generation for Blood and Bones should start being born soon. A couple of the guys seem jealous of Hawk and Gage having someone special to them. All of us loved Ember and Cass like they were our sisters so that helped. The clubwhores were the only ones that were not fans of the new old ladies but if they became too much of a problem Hawk would just kick them out. Sometimes watching the two newer couples I couldn't help but long for my own special someone, but I know after everything I've done and the darkness that is in me I don't deserve to have something like that.

We were hanging out in the bar area after eating another amazing meal made by Flame, man that woman could cook. Everything was pretty quiet for a night around the clubhouse when suddenly the clubhouses door slammed open. The most gorgeous woman stood in the doorway and as soon as I saw her that spark of flame Ember had brought out in me seemed to ignite into a roaring fire for just an a few seconds. What was that?! She had legs for days that any man would want to have wrapped around his waist. She was wearing a pair of shots that really showed them off and despite her skinny frame she was stacked up top and a perfect curve to her hips. Her blonde hair was cut short, but it suited her perfectly. She had green eyes that stood out against her tan skin. The woman had a huge grin on her face, "Where's the tequila bitch!" Ember squealed and ran to the woman engulfing her in a hug. Ember pulled away and called out, "Everyone, this is Amelia!" before leading her towards the bar for I'm guessing shots of tequila. Several of the brothers were looking at Amelia with hunger in their eyes. For some reason I did not like them looking at her that way and I scowled at them. I haven't even talked to her yet. What is this woman doing to me?

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