Chapter 13

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Amelia's POV

I have to go. There's no getting around it. I will not allow him to harm Ember and her baby. This will crush Jon, but I just can't risk Henry getting to Ember. If he has me then she is safe.

I rush up to Jon's room and lock myself in. There is no need to waste time grabbing onto anything. I look out of his window and see that it is over an awning, so I should be able to lower myself down from there and let myself drop to the ground safely. I know I won't make it out the front gate, but just maybe I can make it off another way of the property and go the long way around to the road.

I take a deep breath and look around the room one more time. I'm going to miss him and what could have been. I still myself though for what has to be done and swallow the emotions I am feeling. I slowly open the window to be sure it doesn't make any noise. After I get the window open I listen for anyone that might have heard, but hear nothing. I'm sure the men had church again to discuss the latest note so people shouldn't be walking around right now. I climb out of the window and go slowly on the awning unsure of how stable it is. Arriving at the edge I turn around and slowly begin to lower myself down before I drop to the ground. Having to climb out of the second floor plenty of times to escape my drunk parents prepared me for that well.

Looking around I see the coast is clear and start to run. I run past the building heading towards the back of the property. I had to go through some barbed wire fences but I was able to get through without a scratch. Getting off the property took me probably 20 minutes, it's a pretty big ranch but I've always been a fast runner and I was highly motivated to get out of here quickly. I began making my trek to find a road. I knew I should avoid the road where the gate is because they'll like start out of there to try and find me. I don't know how I'm going to find Henry but I'm sure being my stalker he will be able to find me.

I finally came across a road and started walking down. It had only been about 10 minutes when I heard a vehicle approaching from behind me. All those years I could never feel him watching me but now I can, I just know it is him in the vehicle. Hearing the vehicle start to slow down behind me I take a deep breath and turn around to wait my fate.

It's a white van with darker windows, once the vehicles stops out comes Henry and he smiling from ear to ear. "Princess I knew you would come to your senses and come back to me." He sounded so happy. "Now we can finally be together now that this drama is all behind us and you left that biker filth behind. I know it was wrong to threaten your friend and her baby but I didn't know what else to do to show you that you had to come back to me. You've made me to so happy princess." With that he pulled me into a hug after a couple of seconds I felt a stinging in my neck and Henry whispered, "but that doesn't mean you still won't be getting your punishment princess." I didn't fight the darkness that started to overtake me, in fact I welcomed it.

Blade's/ Jon's POV
Sitting in church right now feels like torture. I know I need to be up with Amelia but here I am stuck in a room with a bunch of my brothers. It's for the best because her safety is the most important thing and I know she is safe up in my room right now or in one of my brother's rooms talking with the other women. I'll check on her as soon as I'm done.

"Alright so we're settled, with this new threat to Ember and our future president we're going to set up a trap for Henry. Make him think that Tequila is coming to him and we'll be there waiting to take him out." Gage said.

This sure as fuck was not settled I did not want to use my Baby Girl as bait for a psychopath, but I also didn't want to risk Ember getting hurt. The way this man operates we could be looking at this taking months if we just keep Amelia here on the ranch. He's shown he has patience. "The fucker does not get to touch her though." I piped up in a deadly tone.

"Of course he doesn't get close enough for that." Buster piped up.

The door to church opened and in walked Keys. "I've got some news Prez on Tequila's stalker." Finally.

"Amelia wasn't kidding when she said he had money. He had hidden his tracks very well but it seems he made some mistakes in Chicago allowing me to find out his identification. He's Henry Ballenger a trust fund baby from the oil tycoon family the Ballenger's. He's had several stints in rehabs and mental facilities since we was a teenager."

"No wonder he was able to spend his time following Tequila around for so long. That family is loaded." Screw commented.

"Killing this guy might be more noticed that we thought if he comes from such a rich family." Ink added.

"Not necessarily, he has stayed out of the limelight the past 6 years that he has been following Tequila around. I would bet that he is estranged with his family right now. He's got a history of mental illness so they might think he's just gone off the rails." Key informs.

"Oh, he has definitely gone off the rails." Axel states.

"So how does this help us end this asshole?" Hawk demands.

"Now that I've found his identity I was able to find out where he is staying. I also printed off a picture of him so now we can all know exactly who we are looking for." Keys tells us.

"Why didn't you fucking lead with that?" Hawk is definitely in a no nonsense kind of mood. "Alright men, I want Buster and Screw to go out and case the place he is staying at immediately. Report back to me. If everything looks well Gage, Buster, Blade, Ink, Screw, Buster, and I will be going back and bringing this guy in so he can have a nice relaxing stay in one of our cells. I'm sure Blade will love to spend some quality time with this prick." A few of the men chuckled darkly at that, knowing full well what I would be doing if I got some time with this guy down in the cells.

Hawk banged the gavel and I pushed out of my chair. This had taken over an hour and I had to get back to Amelia to check on her. I climbed the stairs 2 at a time and when I arrived at my door I found it to be locked. I knocked and called out for Amelia to open the door but I didn't hear anything on the other side. I busted the door open only to find the room empty. What the fuck? Then I noticed something that made my heart stop, the window was open. She ran. 

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