Chapter 7

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Amelia's POV

Pulling up to the clubhouse everything was quiet. I know I'm going to need to make the most of tonight because I'll be leaving before the sunrises in the morning. I'll leave a note for Ember with some excuse, but no way was I telling Blade about what happened with Henry. I can't lie to him because I have a feeling he'll know it. Ember doesn't deserve the stress of what is going on while she's getting married and pregnant. Nothing is going to happen to that little one because of anything I could bring along. I just need to act normal so no is suspicious and then get the hell out of Dodge.

Cass had been right; Screw and Buster wanted a rematch. Once again they had failed miserably. Ink had offered to give me a tattoo for free in honor of my out drinking his brothers so flawlessly. Blade had not been a fan of that one and had told Ink to get lost. Ink had held his hands up in surrender while smiling before walking away. I had made the brownies and banana bread as soon as we got back from the store. No way was I making Ember wait for her food cravings. Turns out Blade was a huge fan of brownies and when Ember asked if my brownies were the best he had ever had he grunted which Ember said had meant yes. Silly alpha male bikers. Blade had kept a close eye on me all night like the night before. I felt secure and safe with that, but I also knew he wasn't just watching me out of curiosity or attraction now. He had a look that said I was a puzzle that he was trying to figure out. Well sorry big boy, I will be long gone before you can do that.

It was 4am and the clubhouse had been totally silent for the past couple of hours. I was making my way down the hall trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to alert anyone. I paused outside of Ember and Hawk's door. I know she'll be disappointed but it's for the best. I slid my note I had written under the door and continued my way through the hall and down the stairs. The bar was dark but I could see the outside lights shining through the small window in the club's front door. I slowly made my way to the door hitching my bag further up on my shoulder. Just as I reached for the door someone grabbed me from behind putting their hand over my mouth before I could cry out. Panic surged through me and I began to thrash around.

"Baby girl, calm down," I finally heard Blade whisper into my ear. I stilled my limbs. Blade took his hand off my mouth and spun me around to face him. With the light coming through the small window I could see he was livid. "Now do you want to explain where in the hell you think you're going?"

"It's not any of your business where I'm going. It's a free country and last I checked I was a guest here. Guests are free to come and go as they please." I fixed him with my own glare. I needed to get out of here and he was wasting precious time.

"I told you that we would be having a conversation in the morning." He informed me.

"Yea, I never agreed to that." I need this alpha male biker to knock it off and let me go.

"Look," before he could continue his phone was going off. He took it out of his pocket and answered with how quiet it was I could hear what the other person was saying.

Blade- Speak

Prospect- When we were switching out guards at 2am. Someone must have stopped by and they stuck an envelope on the gate.

Blade- What was in the envelope?

Prospect- We haven't opened it yet. There was a name on the envelope. It has Ember's friend Tequila's name on it, Amelia. We weren't sure if we should open it.

Blade had cut his eyes to me when they said my name. My eyes had gone wide. Oh Lord, maybe someone was watching me earlier like I thought.

Blade- Send the other prospect with you to the clubhouse with the envelope. Do not leave your post for anything. We are going to someone watching that gate at all times.

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