Chapter 8

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Amelia's POV her last night in Chicago

I don't know why I agreed to this date. Henry introduced himself to me a few weeks ago at my normal coffee shop and had asked me on a date, I had politely turned him down though because I just got an off feeling about him. He was attractive; I'll give him that with his pale blue eyes, blonde locks, and toned body, but I just couldn't shake the feeling I had. He began showing up every day to the coffee shop though striking up a conversation with me and asking me out each time. I always said no and then I guess I just felt sorry for the guy and said yes.

He had asked me to go to come to his apartment for the date. I still had the off feeling about him but he had insisted on wanting to cook for me. He wanted to pick me up as well but I wanted to have the option of leaving whenever I was ready to go so I got him to agree me driving myself.

Getting ready I knew I wanted to dress modestly. I didn't want to give him any wrong impressions about where this night could lead. So I dressed relaxed in jeans and a t-shirt with a light jacket. I even went with minimal make up.

Driving up to his building an uneasy feeling settled into the pit of my stomach but sadly I had chosen to ignore it. Knocking on his door, he answered so quickly I would have almost he was waiting on the other side of the door for me.

"Amelia! You look stunning as always!" Henry was so excited. He had a huge smile on his face and unlike me he had dressed up in slacks and a button up. He reached out and took my hand and kissed it, "You've made me so happy, come on in." I he pulled me by my hand that he still held. Then he closed the door throwing the deadbolt and the chain, which made me a little nervous.

"Yea, thanks Henry." I felt uncomfortable at his enthusiasm.

"Now dinner is nearly ready, but I had something I wanted to show you. I think once you see it you will be able to see." Henry seemed almost giddy.

"See what?"

"How about I show you and then I'll explain." He reached out and gasped my hand again. Though his hold was a bit more firm like he thought I was going to disappear or run away.

Henry led me back further into his apartment. We reached a door that was closed. He grasped the door handle before turning to me and smiling widely. The door opened and he gestured for me to head in first. The room was dark as I walked in and I felt Henry come a little close behind me before he switched on the light.

OH MY GAWD. I have to get out of here. I have to get out of her fast. Henry reached his arms around my waist pulling my back to his front tightly and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Do you like it princess?" I could hear the anxiousness in his voice.

I couldn't speak, couldn't move, I could barely breath. The room was filled with pictures of me. My face covered the walls. The pictures were not just from my time here in Chicago but also from when I was Los Angeles, Charlotte, New York City, and I could go on. There were pictures that I could see that went back at least 5 years. How had I noticed this man before, how had he been following me around for 5 years and I never noticed that he was there all the time. I noticed then the bed in the middle of the room had some of my clothes on it as if I had been laying there and simple vanished. The other side of the bed from my clothes looked slept in. There were other mementos around the room; things I had thought I had lost or I had even thrown away were there. In the corner of the room was a shopping bag from a lingerie store, I really hope he isn't hoping I will wear something for him. It was then I notices there were handcuffs and rope hanging from the posters of the bed. I don't think I'm going to get out of this apartment. That thought caused me to begin to hyperventilate.

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