Chapter 18 Epilogue

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Blade's POV

Once them women had come back down from putting the babies to sleep and helping Trixie get to bed too we had church. We were all shocked by Gage's announcement that he was now a father. Of course these kids will be welcomed with open arms and protected at all costs.

"So because of what Cass went through she cannot have kids and y'all decided to go the route of adoption?" Buster asks Gage.

"Yes, it all just kind of happened, but those kids needed us as much as we needed them. Their druggie alcoholic parents had been abusing them for years. Trixie had been raped and gotten pregnant with the twins as a result of that rape when we met her at the agency she was being forced by her parents to do a closed adoption. She wanted an open one and even though she will be our daughter too so will Harley and Emmy. Then we took her home to discover her dad had recently hit Lisa. So we called the cops and the social worker. The parents were arrested and gave up their parental rights. We've been working the past 6 weeks to become foster parents so that we could bring them all home with us while we wait for the adoption to go through. Cass and I knew these kids were all meant to be ours." Gage informed us.

"Why didn't you tell us brother? We would have helped you." Axel asked.

"Cass didn't want to tell too many people in case it didn't work out. I think more people knowing if it didn't happen would have been too much for her. We told Hawk and Flame, he helped with bribing a few officials that had issues with my being in an MC." Gage replied.

"Had to make sure our family got to come home." Hawk shrugged. "Their home should be ready in a couple of days but until then the kids will have to stay here in the clubhouse so we're going to need to keep the party to a minimum until then. I expect all of you to help them move in while I'm away on my honeymoon."

"What about the boy that raped Trixie?" I asked, wanting to make sure our new club princess was safe. By the looks of some of my brothers I could tell I wasn't the only one.

"He's in prison awaiting trial. He beat her up pretty well in the rape and the DNA evidence the twins will provide should all be enough to put him away." Gage informed us. "The bio parents have zero interest in the kids so the kids should all be safe."

"Well now that this is all settled let's go out and celebrate Hawk and Flame's last night of freedom while we welcome our new little Blood & Bones MC family members." Axel called out. Hawk banged his gavel and we made our way to the door.

Amelia's POV

I'm so happy for Cass and Gage! I knew that she would struggle to become pregnant but had always wanted kids and now she had a house full. They were all beautiful kids. Maybe one day that can Jon and me. After getting the babies and Trixie to bed we went back down to the bar to watch Lisa and Trevor while the men had church.

The kids were playing some game while Cass just watched them smiling. Then the door opened and in walked Indigo. "Indi!" Shouted Ember while running up to her and giving her a huge hug. Indigo stiffened in her arms but patted her back keeping a stern look on her face She always was such a sour puss and looks like she hasn't changed much. "I'm so thankful you could make it for the wedding."

"Yea, I couldn't miss your wedding. I know it's been a long time we talked but we were close as kids and I wanted you to have some family here." Indigo replied.

"Thank you for that, here come meet Cass and two of her kids. Plus you can say hi to Amelia!" Ember brought Indi over to us.

"Cass this is my cousin Indigo, but everyone calls her Indi. Indi these are two of Cass's 5 kids, Trevor and Lisa." Ember introduced them. Indi gave them a small smile but her face morphed back to her stern facial expression she always wore.

"Hey Indi, long time no see. I hope you are doing well still in Oklahoma." I told Indi with a smile. She just nodded at me.

Indi turned to Ember, "I'm sorry for what your parents said to you, they were wrong to say that. I'm glad that you have found someone that has made you happy you deserve to be happy."

That didn't seem like Indi, but maybe she has changed. We sat around chatting some catching up until the forbidden door opened up and the men began to come out. Buster was first as always and after making it half across the floor he stopped staring right at Indi.

Buster's POV

I'm happy for my brothers I really am. Unlike them though I actually wanted an Old Lady and still do. None of them were looking for one and they all found amazing women. Flame is caring to everyone around her as well as being kick ass, Cass is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met, and Tequila was the life of the party and bubbly each of them incredible in their own way. I had wanted to pursue Tequila but she went after Blade. Who would have thought that he would have an Old Lady before me? She's made him better though and I'm happy for him. I just can't help but wonder when will it be my turn? Now Gage has kids and Hawk is getting married tomorrow. I want that too. Everyone sees me as this happy go lucky guy always up for a laugh but I have my own demons I battle.

Walking out of church I am first like always to make it through the door. I stop in my tracks when I look up and see a woman next to Flame with long black hair flowing down her back, blue eyes that look like the ocean, a skinnier frame but still curvy. She had flawless fair skin and right then I knew that she was going to be mine, but by the look on her face I knew she would take some convincing. That's okay my raven haired beauty I was up for the challenge of making you mine. 

A/N So this ends the second book in the Blood & Bones MC Series. I will be editing the first and second book before starting the next one. I told you my plan at the end of the first book to write 5 books for this series but I've decided to combine the 3rd & 4th books because they will just do better that way.  I will still write the 5th book but now it will be the 4th, and I might continue on after that but it depends on if people want that. I think it might be interesting later on for a sequel with Trixie as the female lead. Who knows though. Excited to continue the story. Thanks for reading and for the likes and comments! Y'all are awesome!

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