Chapter 4

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Amelia's POV

I walked into the kitchen to a sight that made me want to bust out laughing but I held it in. Buster and Screw had their head on counter and looked absolutely miserable. Ember was standing by the stove with Hawk's arms tightly around her as he leaned against the cabinets.

"Come on Hawk, can't Ember just make us a little breakfast? This hangover is the worst I need something." Buster begged.

"She's not here to your personal chef she's my old lady. Now that she's pregnant she doesn't need to be up cooking for all you animals 3 times a day. You're going to have to learn to fend for yourself some." Hawk informed them sternly. His hands had taken a protective place over Ember's stomach during his talk. I smiled at that I'm so glad they found each other.

"Babe, it really isn't a big deal. I can make them a little something." Ember had turned in Hawk's arms to I'm guess give him the puppy dog eyes and I could see him faltering now. I guess I should make my presence known.

"Good morning everybody!" I said in the cheeriest voice I could. Blade and Screw groaned.

"Tequila, how are you okay right now? You kept drinking after us?" Screw looked at me with shock.

"Tequila?" Did all the drinking make him forget my name?

"Yup, that's your new nickname." Buster informed me. I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"I warned y'all not to tell her to slow down. You made your choices to go shot to shot with her." Ember shook her head at them though she was still smiling.

"Awe, are the big bad alpha bikers telling me a woman can out drink them and handle it better the next day?" I mocked them a little bit. "Hawk, I'm sorry I thought your men would be a bit tougher than that." Hawk smiled at my comment, I think he figured out what I was doing.

"We are!" Buster and Screw said together. They attempted to stand up but failed miserably before they slouched back down and held onto their heads.

I bit back my smile. "Well then, you won't mind if Ember comes with me and we take care of some wedding stuff while you boys take care of yourselves. You know, because you're so tough."

Before they could realize what I had said I quickly grabbed Embers hand and began pulling her out of the room while I winked at Hawk who let an amused chuckle. Once we had left the kitchen it seemed their brain finally caught up to their ears. "Hey wait! Ember come back!" I heard Buster should and then he let out a pained grunt, I'm guessing Hawk showed him what he thought of that order. I think being here for the next week is going to be very entertaining. I turned to ask Ember something when I suddenly slammed into something. Two hands gripped my waist helping to steady me after being jarred. I looked up to see the Greek god staring down at me.

Blade's POV

I stayed up stairs in my room later than I normally would hoping that she would be gone off doing something with Ember before I came down. I know I sound like I'm running scared but that's not what's happening. I do not want to taint her light with my darkness and if I were to be around her too much I don't think I'd be able to resist her light from pulling me in.

Walking down the stairs I resolved myself that I needed to keep myself at a distance form Amelia. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I looked up and saw her pulling Ember towards the stairs. I froze; I just couldn't help but stair at her. She didn't notice me and I know I should have stopped her, but I allowed her to run into me. When I reached my hands to her waist to steady her I skimmed a bit of her expose mid drift and I felt small tingles where our skin touched. I stared down at her and our eyes met and her gaze held me there.

"Sorry for running into you, but you can let me go now." Amelia told me. I released her and took a step back.

"Blade, I don't know if you got to meet Amelia last night." Ember interrupted my trance and I looked to her.

"Oh we met, but it was brief." Amelia smiled at me. I would love to see that smile every day, to be the reason behind that smile.

"Oh good, we're just going to get Cass and then we're going to head out and do some stuff for the wedding." Ember informed me.

"Who's going with to protect you?" I asked them. Hawk better have placed at least a prospect with them.

"Why would we need protection? We're going to run errands, I think we'll be fine biker man." Amelia rolled her eyes at me.

"Hawk didn't put anyone on you?" I directed my question to Ember. Who shook her head at me, "I'll go, give me 10. We'll take my truck. Do not leave without me you will not like me having to chase you down." I gave the solution without fully thinking about it. Well there goes my plan to distance myself from Amelia. Maybe Buster and Screw's idiocy is rubbing off on me. I hope not.

"What? Why?" Ember looked at me confused.

"Flame here is the Prez's old lady and is now carrying our future president. Plus after what happened I don't like the idea of Ember going out on her own." I left no room for argument as I walked away from them. I can still see the image of Ember half naked, beaten, and bloody on that bed from when Butch kidnapped her. I do not like her going out again on her own; she was taken on my watch what would happen if no one was with her. Plus, it means I can take in just a little more of Amelia's light before pulling away like I know I should.

I walked into the kitchen, "Prez, I'm going to go with the women while the run their errands."

Hawk looked surprised by my statement, but then he let a huge smile creep up onto his face. "Sure brother, watch over my Little Flame and continue to pretend you have no attraction to Amelia."

Buster's head popped up from where he was sitting, "Blade has the hots for Tequila? He never even talked with her. She was hanging out with me last night." He seemed a bit miffed.

I leveled him with a glare, "Amelia is not a toy and next time keep your hands to yourself or I will have to do it for you." He grumbled under his breath but I knew he wouldn't argue with me since he wouldn't want to take me on. Thanks to the military I was definitely the most dangerous out of all the brothers. I gave Hawk a chin lift, who still had his shit eating grin on his face. Whatever, he can think what he wants to think. I walked back out of the kitchen and made my way to my truck. I'm already protective over my Little Light and I've only spoken a few sentences to her. I don't understand how with a look she can pull me in so deeply. Hopefully I'll be able to resist the pull today. What have I gotten myself into?

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