Chapter 6

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Amelia's POV

I cannot believe how quickly I melted when Blade touched my back. Then when he kissed my neck I thought I might orgasm right there. Then before I even realized it he was out of the dressing room like it was on fire. I think he surprised himself as much as he did me. Blade makes me feel safe, which with what happened with Henry I thought it would be a long while before I felt that again. Blade is always watching me, which again after Henry I would think that would creep me out, but it makes me feel safe and protected. I do not get the feelings and it scares me. Usually I run from my problems, I know this about myself, but something tells me it would be a mistake to run from this. I don't know if I am capable of not running when that's all I've known.

We finally arrived at the grocery story. "Alright, let's not forget we also need more limes." I informed the girls.

"I don't think the guys are going to be up for more drinking tonight." Ember laughed.

"Psshh, remember when you had to teach them a lesson Ember? You kicked Screw's ass and they still underestimated you. They're going to think last night was a one off and try again tonight. Just wait and see." Cass was probably right. Alpha male bikers and all will need to save face and recover their pride.

"Hey! Not all of them underestimated me. Blade here had faith in me and somehow new what I was capable of." Ember beamed looking to Blade.

"Those guys are idiots." Was all Blade offered up with his signature blank expression.

"Amelia, you have to make me some of your banana nut bread while you're here." Ember requested, "Oh and let's not forget you make the best brownies." She looked to Blade when she said that, which was weird. Even weirder though was Blade poked his head up at that and turned to me still having a blank expression but I could see hope in his eyes.

"ummm okay, If you're craving anything I'll totally make it for you know that. I got to take care of my future niece you're growing in there." I smiled at her.

"Oh I'm not the only one who is a fan of brownies." She side looked at Blade saying this. Oh, so brownies are his favorite too.

"Alright well let's make sure I can make a lot." I would have imagined that Greek god as only eating kale, spinach, and protein powder. Brownies were a nice surprise.

"Let's split up, that way we can get out of here faster." Cass said, "Blade go with Amelia to baking, and Ember and I will get the produce and BBQ sauce we need."

Before either Blade or I could protest the two of them had run off. Blade looked unsure of himself as to whether to allow them to go off on their own. I grabbed a basket, "Come on the faster we get our stuff the faster we'll be back together with them." I began to walk off hoping he would just follow me and thankfully he did.

We made our way to the baking aisle and I started to get the ingredients I needed. The chocolate cocoa powder was too high for me to reach. I turned to ask Blade to help but he was about 15 feet from me watching out of the aisle. I guess he doesn't really want to interact with me. I'll just climb up and grab it. I stepped on the second shelf and reached for the cocoa powder. As soon as I grabbed it my foot slipped and I brace myself for the impact that was going to come closing my eyes accepting my fate of embarrassment. The impact never came though.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see that Blade had caught me in his arms. He was looking down at me with an expression that was hard to read but his eyes were like a window to his soul for me I saw concern and maybe lust. He looked to my lips and I couldn't help but lick them. He leaned in and I knew I could turn away but I didn't want to I wanted to see what would happen. Blade kissed me timidly at first and then the kissed turned desperate. I pulled away needing to breath. He rested his forehead on mine and still had his eyes closed. We were both breathing hard. The intercom went off in the store with some sale they had going on and we both broke out of our trance. Blade helped me to stand on my own and then backed away from me about 5 feet.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Blade said with his blank expression back on and he began scanning the area again for any danger.

I wasn't sure how to feel about that comment. I could tell he liked me but he kept making himself pull away from me. I need to ask Ember and see if she can give me some insight.

I quickly finished getting the rest of the supplies we needed and headed towards the front of the store to look for the girls. We were able to check out quickly and were soon heading back out to the truck. On our way though I began to feel like someone was watching me, I turned around and looked around the parking lot but didn't see anyone watching me. I noticed Blade watching me with a look of concern, "It's nothing." I shrugged my shoulder and kept walking. Blade seemed to be even more vigilant looking around the parking lot. I continued to feel that feeling of being watched. I knocked Henry out; he would not have been able to follow me here. Right?

Blade's POV

I shouldn't have kissed her. I'm such an idiot. I'm sure I'm confusing her with the mixed signals I keep sending her. After we get back I'll go up to my room and stay there for the rest of the night.

Walking back out to my truck I noticed Amelia tense up suddenly and begin to look around wildly. I looked where she had but saw nothing. Her only explanation was that it was nothing and continued walking. Oh no baby girl that was not going to cut it. Baby girl? Where had that come from? I continued to look around the parking lot trying to see what may have set her off. When we made it to the car we loaded up the groceries then after Cass and Ember got in the back I locked my truck preventing Amelia from getting inside.

"Uhh wanna let me?" Amelia gave me a look of confusion.

"That was not nothing. What happened? What did you see?" I asked her.

"Blade, calm down. It's fine, I just felt like someone was watching me." She shrugged it off as if it was nothing but I could tell she was hiding something from me. Oh no Baby girl that would not do.

"You're going to need to tell what else about that has you on edge." I looked into her eyes watching for a reaction and I got one. She looked concerned and had given a look in Ember's direction.

"Can it wait until the morning? Then I'll tell you everything you want to know. Just let me enjoy this day with my friends and not ruin it for them either." She implored me.

"Could this hurt Ember?" I asked her

"What? No, I would never endanger Ember. Well not if I could help it." I could tell she was telling the truth.

"Could this hurt the club in anyway?" I asked, still looking into her eyes checking for any deceit.

"No." She firmly told me.

I unlocked my truck, "fine, but you will be having a conversation with me in the morning about this." We got into the truck after that and began our trek back to the ranch. Whatever was bothering this light next to me was in for some hurt if it thought it could harm this beautiful light when I'm around. I could see the worry on Amelia's face and I did not like it being there. I have darkness in me far worse than any darkness that could be coming after her and I will make sure nothing touches her light. 

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