Chapter 15

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Blade's POV

Watching Amelia walk out through that door with a gun pressed to her head was a sight that would be added to my nightmares for a long time. The fear in her eyes was evident and I could see she was shaking. I gripped my rifle tighter. I just needed this prick to make one wrong move and it would be over for him.

"Amelia and I are fine here. We do not want you here, you can go." Henry called out. "Isn't that right princess?' He asked her as he nuzzled her head with his but still keeping his gun on her temple.

Amelia began to slowly nod her head as a tear also started to run down her cheeks, "Yes, I'm fine here. This is where I want to be, you can go now." Her voice was a shaky as she spoke.

Henry grinned widely, "See! My princess doesn't want you here. You're upsetting her, time for you to leave."

"We are not leaving Amelia here with you." Hawk informed Henry, his voice dangerously calm.

"Well you're not leaving here with her." Henry was beginning to show signs of agitation.

"Look why don't you take the gun off of Amelia. I'm sure you don't want to accidently hurt her?" Gage tried to start talking Henry down.

The whole time Amelia kept her eyes locked on me.

"I would rather her be dead than to go with you. You won't let her leave if she goes with you and you're just going to kill me so you can keep her for yourself. She's my princess. MINE! You can't have her" He was quickly unraveling.

It became clear to me what I had to do because this man was truly insane and would never allow her to leave her alive unless it was with him. The next few seconds everything slowed down around me, I looked into Amelia's eyes and mouth I love you. She mouthed back to me I love you too. I turned my eyes back to Henry and took my shot shooting him right between the eyes. Amelia screamed blood splattered her face and they fell backwards.

I ran to Amelia and quickly pulling her into my arms. "I'm so sorry Baby Girl." I whispered into her hair.

"You saved me." She whispered back before she fainted in my arms.

It was decided that we would set fire to the warehouse and take Henry's body somewhere to get rid of it. The bullet in the skull would not help to make it look like he died in the fire. I had carried Amelia to the van Doc had brought who assured me she was just fine and had no visible wounds. When we got back to the ranch I carried her up to my room so that she could be comfortable.

Sitting here staring at her taking in her beauty I cannot believe that this woman here is mine. I'm still going to tan her ass for running off like she did, but she is mine. Her light that brightens every room is mine to bask in. I know I said we would take things slow but I wonder how long it will take to talk her into marrying me and to have babies that look just like her.

Amelia began to stir and I grasped her hand in mine. She opened her eyes and she quickly found mine. "I love you Jon." She said to me with a small smile.

My face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. I was the happiest man alive in the moment, "I love you too Baby Girl." Her smile grew from that.

"You saved me." She said.

"I shouldn't have had to. You should have trusted we would have kept you and the other women safe. Don't think I won't be tanning your ass for that little stunt." She let out a chuckle at my last statement.

"Right before you got there he was getting ready to tattoo me. To mark me up like I was cattle he owned." A tear ran down her face at that. "He was going to put his name on my wrist and then princess on my hip. He didn't touch me or hurt me. He just had me tied to a bed." Relief flooded through me at that even though I was pissed at the idea of him trying brand her body as his at least he didn't hurt her.

"Baby Girl, he is never going to come near you again." I told her.

"I know, I remember. You took care of him." She had started to sound sleepy. "Could you lay down with me and hold me?"

"Of course," I crawled into the bed beside her and secured her body to mine. She laid her head on my chest. "I love you Baby Girl." I whispered before I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too" she sighed back before giving in to sleep.

Amelia's POV

It was the day before the wedding. Ember was barking out orders to all the guys on where to set up chairs and tables. She had given me good tongue lashing for the stunt I pulled and then she began sobbing for over an hour hugging me telling me how much she loved me. The sobbing was scarier than her yelling. The pregnancy hormones are really kicking in.

Cass and Gage had disappeared early this morning. They said they had something important to do and it could not wait. So we were one woman down which had only stressed Ember out even more. I wish she could drink right now because she needs something to help her calm down. All this stress cannot be good for her or the baby.

Jon had been staying close to me it seemed like he thought if he took his eyes off me for too long I would disappear. I didn't mind his closeness though, he helped me to feel safe something I still needed after Henry.

Today we are setting up for the ceremony and reception as much as we can. Then there is going to be a bonfire with a pig roast this evening after the rehearsal. Grabbing a couple of drinks I head over to Ember, "You've got to take it a little easier. You know stress isn't good for the baby." I told her while handing her a drink.

She sighed, "I know. I just want everything to be perfect." She took a drink of her water. "Where do you think Cass and Gage ran off to?"

I shrugged "I don't know, but it had to have been important for her to have left in the middle of this." She sighed again, "Why don't you and I go in and whip up some sandwiches for lunch. The guys have the chart and can get everything set up without us. Then after lunch we can work on the hanging the fabric and stuff."

"I am getting hungry and making something for the guys might smooth over my acting insane today." She smiled a little. Good, she's calming down.

I linked our arms and we made our way back into the clubhouse. We fixed up several types of sandwiches and placed them on platters then we put out chips and different fruits. I went out and called all the guys in to come eat some lunch.

I felt arms come around me from behind. "I saw how you got Flame to calm down Baby girl, Hawk was appreciative of that." Jon whispered to me.

"Yea well all this wedding stuff is stressing her out. I think part of it is also seeing her cousin Indy after going so long without seeing any of her family. She's steered clear of her for a long time but I know they were very close when they were younger. I was surprised she invited her to be honest. Opening up any possibility for that part of her family to be a part of her life could be bad for Ember." I had gotten lost in my thoughts speaking them out loud and hadn't noticed that Blade had started gripping me tighter.

Blade spun me around in his arms and looked angry, "Are you saying that Indy is a danger to Flame?"

"NO! Indy would never hurt Ember. She's definitely does not have a sunny disposition but she wouldn't hurt her; its other family members that could be. Look let's not worry about it. Everything will be fine." I kissed him gently after that and grabbed his hand to lead him back into the bar area.

When we walked into the bar area everyone had already gotten food and was spread out around the bar. As Jon and I made our way over to the table the Clubhouse door opened and in walked Cass and Gage each holding a baby. 

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