Chapter 10

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Amelia's POV

            After Blade left me in Ember and Hawk's room I went to their couch and lay down. I tried to hold it in but I began to cry and then the crying turned into a sob. I thought I had kept it quiet, but out came Ember from her bedroom. She look confused at first but when she saw me her eyes grew wide and she came over and clutched me to her. She began rubbing soothing circles over my back while she lay next to me on the couch. My body was shaking from my uncontrollable sobs. After a long while my sobs turned into hiccups and the tears began to dry up.

            "Alight Doll face, what is going on?" Ember asked me, using her nickname for me from when we were teens.

            "Oh Main dish, I brought trouble here." I confessed to her using my nickname for her.

            I decided enough was enough and Ember deserved to know the truth. If she wanted me to leave afterwards to protect her child I would, Alpha Male Biker's orders be damned. Besties come first!

            Ember clung to me tighter, "Amelia why didn't you tell me what happened?"

            "You're getting married and now you're also pregnant. You didn't need this added stress to your life right now." I confessed to her, "Plus, I truly thought he wouldn't be able to follow me here, but I guess I underestimated just how much he knew about my life."

            "I'm always here for you and am never too busy for my Doll Face." Ember reassured me, "No more secrets like this."

            "Okay, I don't know what those men down there are planning." I gave out a sigh, "I really wish they would have just let me leave. I cannot allow you, your baby, or Cass to get hurt because of me. I wouldn't be able to live with it." I almost began to cry again.

            "Now you listen here," Ember told me sternly. "Those men down there are going to take care of this. I've seen the way Blade looks at you, he cares about you hell he might even love you. You are not alone in this. How do you think them or me for the matter would feel if you did leave and something happened to you?" She pleaded, "How do you think I would be able to live with that."

She always knew I was a sucker for a good guilt trip, but I chose to ignore it for now, "Blade doesn't love me." I rolled my eyes at her while she scoffed at my comment. "Sure we kissed but I don't know he just keeps sending me mixed signals."

"Blade is a great guy, but he is definitely troubled by his past. Him and I are close in our own way but even I only know that it is has something to do with his time in the military. He isn't one to open easily. I think he's afraid of what the darkness he carries in him could do to you." Ember explained. "You cannot tell anyone because he wouldn't want you to. But remember I told you how my parents refused to come to the wedding? They sent me a really nasty letter saying so not so nice things about Hawk and me, I locked myself in our room for days refusing to talk to anybody. Finally Blade had had enough he picked the lock into the room, brought me loads of junk food, and proceeded to make me open up and see reason. Despite Blade's dark past I would say he is the most caring man down there, don't repeat that either." She smiled at the end.

Wow he's a lot different than I thought he was. Even how's handled me at times has shown that caring side of him. There's a lot I still don't know about it, "I do have feelings for Blade." I finally confessed.

Ember squealed, "I knew it! Cass and I both did!"

I sighed, "But there is a lot I need to know about him and him me."

Her shoulders slumped at that, "You can get to know each other; it's okay to let people in. I know it's been a long time since you've really let anyone in. Blade is someone though that if you let him into your heart I can promise you that he will treat it with the utmost care and he'll do everything he possibly can to keep you safe." She sounded so sure of this that I almost believe her.

"We'll see Ember."

"Let's go wake up Cass and inform her of what's going on." Ember got up and pulled me up with her.

After explaining everything to Cass she had the same reactions as Ember. Now we were just sitting around talking in her and Gage's room.

"So when are y'all going to move out of the clubhouse? No judgment, but you can't really think raising a baby in here would be the best idea?" I asked them.

"Both Gage and Hawk started having houses built behind the clubhouse a few months back." Cass explained.

"The houses should be completed in 2 weeks. So just in time after Hawk and I get back from our Honeymoon." Ember added.

"Where are y'all going to be..." my question was cut off from yelling in the hall.

"FUCK!" I heard a man scream. Then there was running and slamming of doors.

"Where the fuck could they have gone?" That was Hawk.

"You don't think that fucker got into the clubhouse during the meeting?" That sounded like Blade.

"Shit, I have to check on Cass!" Then there was Gage. Suddenly the door slammed open and a panicked looking Gage came through. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw our shocked faces, "Hey, they're all in here!" Gage turned and shouted out into the hall.

Hawk came running in straight to Ember and picked her up into his arms holding her close, "You made me scared Little Flame."

Blade came running through and zeroed in on me and came and picked me up as well holding me tightly to him before fixing me with a stern look, "I thought I told you to stay in Hawk and Ember's room."

"I was in there, but then we decided we should come and let Cass know what was going on." I informed him. He took a deep breath and then put his nose into my neck still holding me in his arms. Well this is different.

"Alright you three, why don't you all get ready for the day and meet us downstairs in 30 minutes so we can tell you what we've decided in what will affect you." Hawk ordered us. We all nodded and went our separate ways.

Heading back to the room that had been assigned to me I could feel Blade following me. I was as equally excited about this as I was nervous. I opened the door but didn't close it. I heard him close and lock the door from behind me. He came up to me and pulled me into his chest; I closed my eyes and melted into his warmth. "Baby girl, there are something's we need to talk about."

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