Chapter 14

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Blade's POV

I ran down the stairs to the bar, "She fucking ran!" I shouted and all the brothers turned to face me. "She knew he'd threated Flame and the babe and she ran. He's probably already got her." I was pissed. She should have trusted me that I could take care of her. We were so close to nabbing him.

"Fuck!" Hawk yelled and ran a hand down his face.

"The prick doesn't know that we know who he is yet, he's probably going to take her to his location. Buster and Screw are already heading that way." Gage stated.

"Get what you need and load up men!" Hawk ordered and we all began moving.

I am going to tan her hide when we get back here. I love her for wanting to keep Ember safe but this was not the way to do it. Love, do I love Amelia? Yes, I do and I'm going to tell her once all of this is settled. I quickly get my gun and blade from my room and make my way out to my bike.

Hawk is already waiting at his bike when his phone goes off. He answers and switches it to speaker.

Hawk: Go.

Buster: Prez, the location is a warehouse. Doesn't seem like he has anything going on in the way of security, but shortly after we got here he showed up in a white van and carried unconscious Tequila inside.

Hawk: Shit!

Buster: Do you want to us go in and get her?

Hawk: No, we are about to head your way. Once we get there we'll make our plan and head in. You can't see any security from there but who knows what he has inside, he has plenty of money to do whatever he wants. Sit tight. If you hear anything and it sounds as though Tequila is in distress then go in.

Buster: Got it Prez.

Hawk ended the call then turned to me, "You good brother?"

"As good as I am going to get, but don't worry I'll keep my head straight." I replied.

"Let's ride men!" Hawk shouted before he started up his bike.

We're coming Baby Girl and when I get to you I am not letting you out of my sight for a long time.

Amelia's POV

Slowly I started to wake up. My head hurt badly but when I tried to rub my temples I found that my hands couldn't move. I quickly opened my eyes but the light was too much so I closed them again and took my time adjusting. Looking around the room it appeared I was in a warehouse and tied to a bed. Then it all came crashing back, I had given myself up to Henry and he had knocked me out.

"Princess, you're awake!" Henry came walking towards me. "It had been so long since I'd had eyes on you. It was so hard not seeing you the past couple of days." He sat on the side of the bed and ran his hand down the side of my face. I couldn't help but cringe at this. He frowned, "It seems you let that Biker trash poison your mind towards me. No matter, we will get back on track princess. I was pretty hurt by your behavior in Chicago, but then I decided that you were probably just overwhelmed by our love and needed time to come to terms with it." He sounded like he had hope in his voice with that.

"How did you find me here?" My throat was dry making my voice sound scratchy.

"Oh princess, you didn't really think I could ever not know where you are? I have a tracking device on your car for one. Also, I check your mail and saw the wedding invitation from your friend Ember. So when I saw the direction your car was going I knew this was where you were heading." Holy shit this guy was more psychotic that I thought he was. I never had a chance. "I knew I had to come here and keep an eye on you but allow you the time you needed to come to terms. Then once you moved on to your next place I would go there and we'd connect again. But I saw you kiss that biker though. I was furious." I could see the rage in his eyes as he talked about Blade. I need to tread lightly here. "I confessed my love to you, my devotion to you and you kiss that disgusting biker!" He was breathing heavily now and turned away from me, I'm guess to calm himself down.

"You're right I needed time to come to terms with our love." I need to play along with his fantasy. He was too unhinged to be reasoned with. He turned back to me with hope in his eyes. "They wouldn't let me leave. I had to play along with them. They've even made my friend stay there too. I didn't realize the situation she was in until I got there. Thank you for saving me."

"Oh princess, I'll always save you." He leaned down and hugged me kissing my cheek in the process. I fought my instincts to gag. "Though I'm sorry I cannot allow these things to go unpunished."

Oh fuck, "What kind of punishment?"

"Princess don't worry, I've been trained and made sure everything is sterile." What the hell was this guy talking about?

"Trained in what?"

"I'm going to have to put my mark on you that way you will always know you are mine, my princess." He had a sick smile on at that but his eyes looked almost dead. He was insane. "I'm going to put princess right above your hip bone. Then I'll put my name on your wrist. You belong to me now princess and I want the world to know it and you to never forget it."

"Henry can we please not do this yet. I'm terrified of needles." Not entirely true, but he doesn't know that especially when I don't have any tattoos on my body. I just liked that my skin looked flawless.

"Sorry, princess I promise to make it hurt as little as possible, but there has to be consequences for what you did in Chicago and here in Texas. These things cannot go unpunished. I would have done this eventually anyways." He spoke softly to me trying to calm my nerves but he only heightened them. "I'm going to get everything ready. Sit tight princess." He walked out of the room after that.

Shit, I've got to find a way out of here. I needed to keep Ember and the baby safe but maybe I should have waited to see what the guys had planned first before running off to a psychopath. I looked around the room searching for anything that might help me. There was nothing and the knots were tight that held me to the bed.

Henry came back into the room holding a small box. "Now princess don't you worry, you can close your eyes while I work and you won't have to see a thing." I started to cry. "I know princess, but you have to learn." He decided to start with my wrist and began to prep my skin. That was when I heard the sound of my salvation, the roar of motorcycles getting louder. Henry looked furious and grabbed my chin tightly, "Did you set me up and have them follow us here?"

"No, I swear I didn't tell anyone I was leaving." He stared into my eyes looking for any sign that I was lying.

He must have been satisfied with my answer because he let go of my face. "Alright princess I believe you. We are going to have to go out and take care of these bikers though. You are going to have to tell them that you want to be with me and that they need to leave. Okay princess?"

"Yes, I can do that." This was my only opportunity to escape this nightmare I know it is.

Henry untied my wrists and ankles from the bed before he pulled out a gun from the back of his jeans. "Now princess, I'm going to have to keep you in front of me it's you they want and you don't want me to get hurt, right princess?"

"No, I do not." Henry was looking at my face again; he didn't seem so sure of my answer this time. He grabbed my upper arm roughly and started to push me forward through the warehouse.

When we got to a door he gripped my arm harder to the point that it hurt, "Now behave princess or your punishment will be much worse." I nodded my head to this. "Now open the door nice and slowly then you and I are going to walk out together." As I went to open the door I felt him put the barrel of the gun to the side of my head. I'm so screwed.

Stepping out, I could see it was nighttime and it looked like the whole club was there with guns pointed right at Henry and me. I searched for the one man I want to see and there he was, my knight in greasy leather ready to save me with a look on his face that could kill. However tonight turned out I knew one thing for certain I love Jon. I only hope I get the opportunity to tell him. 

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