Chapter 2

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Amelia's POV

Thankfully I made it out of Chicago without incident. Though the entire way to Texas I kept looking over my shoulder and checking my review mirror to be sure Henry wasn't following me. I've never been a paranoid person but it looks like I'm going to have to start being a little more observant with my surroundings after this. It took two days to get from Chicago to Tyler, Texas. It wasn't too bad though and it gave me time to calm my nerves so that when I get to Ember I can be my normal bubbly self and she won't be any wiser to my problems. Ember always was a caring soul and she has fixed way more than a few of my problems over the span of our friendship, but I wanted to be the one who was there for her with her wedding. My problems could wait and hopefully they won't be a problem anymore anyway since I hopefully made it to where Henry didn't have time to wake up and figure out I was leaving until I was long gone. I had called Ember after I left my apartment to let her know that I was able to come down early because I wanted to help her with the last minute prep for the wedding. She squealed in my ear so loudly I had to pull the phone away, yup she was definitely excited to get to see me.

I pulled up to the Blood and Bones MC Ranch and couldn't hold back the whistle. These were some fine looking men at their gate. One of their two guards walked up to my car and looked in. The patch on his cut said "prospect". I have spent some time around a couple biker clubs during my travels so I know a few things.

"Hey there good lookin' names Amelia, I'm a friend of Ember's and am here for the wedding." I batted my eyelashes and smiled innocently at the prospect.

He gulped before looking down at my chest, "uuuh yea, Prez had said a friend of Flame's would be arriving soon."

Oh yea, I had forgot that Ember had said Hawk had given her the biker name Flame. "Well do you think I could maybe go see her now?" I chuckled at his continued stare at my chest.

He seemed to come out of trance then and looked back up to my face and nodded before scurrying back to the gate to help the other guard open it up.

I couldn't help but shake my head at him. Cute kid but a little too young for me he looked to only be about 21 and at 30 I just wasn't interest in being a cougar just yet. I pulled through the gate and gave the prospect a wink on my way through. Just because I wouldn't do anything with him didn't mean I couldn't play with him a little.

I pulled up to a huge building that had bikes lined up out front. This must be the clubhouse. I hopped out of my car and walked quickly towards the door. I couldn't help my excitement; I hadn't seen Ember in several years. She had already left St. Louis before I made it to Chicago or else we might have seen each other before now.

I grabbed the door handle and shoved the door open with a loud bang. All Eyes were on me but I only sought out one set of eyes and once I saw her I couldn't help but shout out, "Where's the tequila Bitch!" while holding my arms open. Ember squealed and ran towards me slamming into me and wrapping her arms around me. We both laughed at our antics.

"I cannot believe you're really here! I thought for sure you wouldn't be able to come." Ember confessed while still holding onto me tightly.

"Of course I came. My sister is getting married I would never miss that." I felt sad that she thought I would actually not come. I've missed a few important things for her but I would have never missed this.

"Come on, you need to meet Hawk and I'll get you some tequila." She said that last sentence with a wink. She grabbed my hand and began to lead me towards to very large man that she had been standing next to before she ran over to me. He was looking at Ember like she was the most precious thing in the world. "Hawk, this is Amelia!" Ember nearly shouts as she is bursting at the seams with excitement.

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