Chapter 11

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Blade's POV

            We don't have very long and there is too much that we need to talk about but there are something's I want us to get straight right now. After I locked her door I pulled her into me keeping her back to my front. "First off you're not leaving Amelia." I told her sternly.

            "But," she tried to argue with me but I shut that down quick.

            I spun her around and looked her in the eye. "You are not leaving. You are not going to be staying in this room anymore either, you're going to stay in my room. You'll be safer that way. If I ask you to stay somewhere please stay there, I thought Henry had somehow gotten to you."

            "Look, I you don't get to come in here pulling your Alpha Male Biker routine. You are not the boss of me. I have been doing just fine on my own for a long time." She came back at me just as sternly and had placed her hands on her hips.

            "Baby girl, I do not want to boss you around. I want to keep you safe and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to do that. As for being on your own, sometimes we all need a little help from time to time and you're just going to have to accept that this is one of those times for you. I repeat, you're not leaving." She seemed to go through several emotions; longing, frustration, annoyance, and maybe love but I think that is just me hoping.  I decided it was now or never to confess something's her that would hopefully help her to stop being so stubborn. "You have a light in you, Amelia, one that has awoken something long dead in me. Ember ignited a spark in me when she came here, but you ignited a raging fire. I was dead inside for so long. I'm not going to let that prick destroy your light. I don't deserve you, I know that. I just ask that you let me protect you and the light within you?" I finished up my speech.

She looked taken aback and shocked by my declaration. She tried to say something back but I stopped her, "Don't say anything about all this now. We have more important things to deal with first. After the talk downstairs you and I will have our own talk. Then you can say what you want to say." I pulled her into me again, "Please just let me protect you light Baby girl." I pleaded with her. She nodded her head yes.

We stayed that way for a couple of minutes before I pulled back taking her hand in mine, "We need to head downstairs." We walked downstairs hand in hand. Everyone was already down stairs waiting for us and all their eyes zeroed in at our conjoined hands. They were a lot of smiles and shocked faces in the room. I glared at them daring them to say something.

Hawk cleared his throat, "Nice of y'all to join us." He smiled as we took a seat close to everyone else.

"Now that all of you women have been brought up to date on Amelia's stalker it's time you know a little of how we are going to be handling this and how it is affecting you. Women, you are officially on lockdown. If you have to leave for some reason you have to be accompanied by at least two brothers." Gage informed them.

"Hawk, maybe we should postpone the wedding." Ember spoke up.

"No," Amelia stated firmly beside me. "If you all feel you have to cancel then I'm going and taking my troubles with me. You deserve to have that day Ember. You finally have a home and a family I'm not taking that day away from you."

"How many times do I have to say you are not leaving?" I glared at Amelia.

"Sorry, Tequila you've been overruled here. Your problem is our problem now. No way we are letting that fucker come anywhere near you." Screw spoke up.

"Amelia, I already explained this to you too. Anyways you are my family too and I will not be getting married without you there. That is a non-negotiable for me. So if you want to me to go through with this wedding you will not leave." Ember was playing hardball.

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