Chapter 16

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Cass's POV 6 weeks ago

I'm crying standing in his room the clubhouse and having the same argument we have almost every week, "Gage, I know you love me but a day is going to come that you're going to want kids are you sure you will be okay if they are not your own?" I am always afraid he is going to realize how damaged I am and leave me.

"Angel, I've told you over and over again I love you and you're it for me. We will adopt if you cannot get pregnant." He took my face in his hands and wiped away my tears with his thumbs, "We'll adopt when we want kids. What is meant to happen is going to happen, but I will not ever be leaving your side. You're stuck with me. I love you too much to let you go." With that he pulled me into his chest.

"What if they won't allow us to adopt because of the MC?" I worry out loud.

"Everything will work out Angel. How about we go down to the agency now and just ask questions on what we would need to do. That way when the time comes we can be prepared." Gage suggests.

"What if they won't let us adopt because of the club?" I turn away from him when I ask because I knew this might be a sensitive topic.

Gage lifted my face with his thumb under my chin, "Angel, if we have to there is ways around that, but I'm sure that they'll see that we have a lot of love to give. Don't worry about things until we have to worry about them."

"Okay, let's go and see what steps we will have to take." I finally conceded.

Walking into the agency I was nervous to say the least. I noticed a girl sitting in the waiting area that looked to be a teen, heavily pregnant, and was crying. I broke away from Gage while he went up to the receptionist and walked up to the girl giving her a tissue. She mumbled thanks to me but before I could ask her anything Gage called me over to him. I nodded to the girl and walked back to Gage. He grabbed my hand and led me into an office.

After talking with Ms. Shriner for over an hour I was seeing that my concerns I had were legitimate. "Look I understand the situation you are in with why you would want to look into adoption but the state is going to take issue with your being involved in an MC plus the run ins with the law." Ms. Shriner informed us.

"Surely they could come out and do checks and meet us before fully determining that?" Gage implored her while squeezing my hand trying to comfort me.

"Yes, but I want you to understand that this could be an unlikely option for you." Ms. Shriner gave us a look of sympathy.

Gage went to speak again but I interrupted him, "Thank you for your time Ms. Shriner. We'll be taking all of this information into consideration before we make any decisions." I calmly said while standing before walking out of her office.

Once we were out of the building Gage gathered me into his arms, "I'm so sorry Angel. We'll figure this out together. I love you so much." He whispered to me while holding me tightly. This man is far more than I deserve.

I heard sniffles and turned to see the same teen from before sitting out on a bench outside of the agency. I pulled from Gage and walked over to her, "Hey, I'm Cass." I told her while sitting next to her.

"Trixie" Came her quiet reply as she eyed Gage with suspension.

"It's okay, I know he looks big and scary but he's really just a teddy bear." I tell her while smiling.

That makes her smile a little, "I just struggle around men sometimes." I saw me in her in that moment.

I took her hand in mine, "It gets easier as time goes on and one day you'll find a man that will make you feel safe. I know I did." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. With that she broke down crying again and launched herself into my arms. I held her crying form as she continued to sob.

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