Chapter 12

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Amelia's POV

I cannot believe the guilt that Blade is carrying with him. He is a good man. Yea, he's done some things but he is still good man. He deserves so much better than this weight he's been carrying around for years. I think I fell even harder for him listening to his story. I don't know what to make of these feelings. I have only really had Ember as my family for years, the only person I had any strong feelings for. Cass is new to me still, but I still love her like a little sister. Now there is someone else in my life I have strong feelings for though they are a different type of feelings.

I pulled back from him to look at his face, I could see the red in his eyes from fighting to not cry. "So what happened after that bombing?"

"I was only a few months away from renewing my contract but I decided against it after that. I had met Hawk one of the times I was on leave visiting Dallas. He told me about Blood & Bones and that he felt I would be a good fit. So when I left I knew I needed something. So I came here and joined up." He explained to me.

Wanting to change the subject and get onto much lighter things, "So when we're alone like this can I call you Jon?" I smiled at him.

"Only you can call me that Baby Girl." His face showed he was serious and I could see the love in his eyes. Well there goes my trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't know what to think Jon. I haven't had these strong feelings in a long time and haven't seen myself settling down either. When I look at you though I can see it, and I always thought that idea would terrify me but it doesn't. What does kind of scare me is how fast this happening. I've only known you a few days." I raced through confession afraid I would chicken out of saying it to him.

"I have strong feelings for you too. I want you to be my old lady. I know this is happening fast, but I don't want to deny what is happening between us. We can go slowly from here though as slow as you want, but I want everyone to know that you and your light are mine Baby girl." He held some worry in his eyes. "So will you be my old lady?"

I waited for the fear of being trapped to consume me but it didn't come. I know we are too different people I'm the life of the party and he's reserved observing for any and all threats at all times, but I cannot help but feel that our differences are part of what makes us perfect for each other. I gave him a huge smile, "Yes Jon I will be your old lady."

Then the most beautiful things happened. For the first time Blade gifted me a full blown smile and his Greek god looks were even more magnificent leaving me in awe. He then kissed me. I deepened the kiss and our hands were everywhere exploring each other's bodies. He pulled back and put his forehead on mine, "You do not know how happy you have made me baby girl." He then began kissing me again. That was how we spent the afternoon, continuing to get to know each other exploring each other and asking more questions. In this room he was my Jon and I knew when we left he would be Blade and I was okay with that. I loved him for all of who he was. Wait, did I just say love?

Blade's POV

I cannot believe Amelia said yes. This beautiful woman was all mine. Now I just have to deal with this Henry prick. Amelia was still lying in my arms on my bed, but she had fallen asleep. I need to go and check in with Hawk and see where we are at with Henry. I slowly slip my arms away from her and she snuggles into my pillow. I couldn't help but let out a small smile looking down at her.

Walking down the stairs the clubhouse was unusually quiet. I guess they won't be partying tonight with all that is going on with Amelia's stalker. I spot Hawk sitting up at the bar with Gage having a beer.

"Any news on the stalker?" I ask them.

"Nope, nobody has seen him." Hawk replied, "Though with how long he stalked Amelia without her noticing anything I'm guess this guy is good at not being seen when he doesn't want to be."

"The wedding is in three days, if we are going to call in the midnight rider's for help keeping things secure we'll have to do it in the morning." Gage said.

"I know, I hate to have them here, but I would much rather be safe than sorry where the women are concerned." Hawk admitted.

My phone started to ring...

Blade: Go

Prospect: Uhhh Blade we got another envelope with Amelia's name on it.

Blade: How the Fuck did that happen?!

Prospect: a teen girl delivered it here. Said some guy offered her 500 bucks to bring it to our gate and deliver it to us. She looked like she needed the money pretty bad so I'm not surprised she did it. Said the guy was wearing a hoodie, sunglasses, and a hat so she couldn't give us much of description.

Blade: Alright bring the envelope to me up here at the clubhouse.

Prospect: Sure thing.

I hung up the phone after that and cursed under my breath. I turned to see Hawk and Gage already having angry looks on their faces. "We got another envelope with Amelia's name on it. This time this asshole used a teenage girl to deliver it to us. The prick was too scared to come here himself this time."

After just a couple of minutes the prospect came through the door and handed me the envelope. I ripped it open and what I saw made me see red, this son of a bitch has a death wish.

"What does it say?" Hawk demanded to know. I couldn't say anything so I just handed him the envelope.

There was a picture and not inside just like last time. This time it was a picture of Ember and Amelia, it looked older so my guess he had taken it during his time of only watching her from afar. The note though is the problem,

Princess, I'm starting to lose my patience with you. Leave that biker trash and come back to where you belong or I will be forced to do something you won't like. Your friend Ember sure is a beauty and will make a great mom. It will be too bad if something happens and she never gets to deliver that baby. Now make the wise choice and come back to me on your own and your punishment won't have to be so severe.

"Son of a Bitch!" Roared Hawk. He took a bar stool and smashed it on top of the bar. His chest was heaving, "This bastard thinks he can threaten my woman and my unborn child. He has fucked with the wrong club."

"He did what!?" Came a voice from behind us. I turned to see Amelia standing at the bottom of the stairs face pale and eyes wide "He threatened Ember and her baby?"

"Go back upstairs Amelia." I told her as calmly as I could. I needed to calm Hawk down.

"No, I have a right to know." Amelia stood her ground.

"Yes, he has. He sent another note and threatened Ember if he doesn't get you." Gage told her. I shot him a look to shut up. He raised his hands to me, "She deserves to know the dangers so she can watch herself."

"Yes, but that should have stayed club business until we were ready for it not to." I said through gritted teeth.

"So you wouldn't have told me?" Amelia asked sounding hurt.

"Please just go upstairs for now. We have to handle this and then I'll come up and talk with you about it." I pleaded with her through my eyes.

She nodded once and then made her way up the stairs. I hate not being with her right now but we need to make some decisions and this is what is best for her safety right now.

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