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Cass's POV

I cannot believe where this day has gone. After Trixie's parents were taken away by the cops we went back to the agency with the kids and Ms. Shriner. Now we are sitting in Ms. Shriner's office for the third time today.

"So what I'm hearing from you is that you came here just asking about the process of adoption and now you want to adopt all three of these children and then the twins once they are born?" Ms. Shriner looks completely confused.

"Yes." Gage replies instantly.

"We know it sounds strange, but we have more than enough to provide for the kids. We cannot have kids of our own and these kids would be given so much love not just from us but form all their aunts and uncles. We need them as much as they need us." I told Ms. Shriner trying to help her understand.

She took a deep breath, "Look I know that the state will like the fact that you are looking to adopt all of them because they prefer to keep siblings together if they can. There are something's you will need to do first though I advise you get married and become foster parents. That way they can be placed with you as soon as possible. Still, I cannot guarantee though that even then you will be able to adopt these three. As discussed Trixie's twins are going to be a lot easier for you to adopt. For now they will have to be placed in a foster home until you have become foster parents."

Hearing this broke my heart, and I could tell it broke Gage and Trixie's too. "Will we be separated in the mean time?" Trixie asked.

"I'm afraid because of your condition Trixie you will need to go somewhere different from Lisa and Trevor. We have a nice couple that fosters though whose home is empty currently that would take in a pair of 6 year olds." Ms. Shriner informed her with a sad smile.

Having to leave them there that day was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Gage ran out and got each of them a cell phone so that they could contact us at any time if they needed anything he was already so concerned for their safety. Trixie was being sent to a group home for pregnant teens since they will be able to help her during the last bit of her pregnancy better.

On the drive home we were pretty quiet both lost in our thoughts. As soon as we got to the ranch we made our way straight to our room. As soon as Gage shut and locked the door he grabbed me and held onto me tight while I began to cry. He always knows just what I need.

"We can't let them be separated Gage. They need a stable, safe, and loving home." I hiccupped to him after a while of just letting my feelings out.

"I know angel. Those are our kids. They are going to come and live with us. Let's go and have a chat with Hawk and Ember. I think we will need some help with this one." I nodded my head and pulled away from him. We made our way down to the bar area where we got some strange looks because I hadn't bothered to clean my face up after crying. This has definitely been an emotional roller coaster. Gage signaled for Hawk to come over to us and thankfully Ember followed him. "We need to have a conversation with the two of you."

"Okay, let's go to church." Hawk said. Ember and I have never been in there and I could see her eyes light up at the idea of finally going through the forbidden door as she liked to call it. If I wasn't so emotional right now I'd probably have laughed at her. We got seated at the table in the room. "Okay brother, what's going on?"

Gage explained everything and at one point Ember came over and sat beside me and hugged me. She knew how badly I wanted to have kids and now here was my chance but it still seemed unlikely.

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