Chapter 9

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Blade's POV

Listening to Amelia tell us about Henry I could feel the darkness within me creeping closer to the surface to where at the end of her story I felt rage. What kind of sick pervert was this man? He is never touching my light again. He is a different kind of darkness that only consumes. There is something very wrong with him and a man with this level of an obsession is going to have to be put down.

Amelia wouldn't look at us the whole time she told us her story, but when she looked up her eyes widened at the sight of us and she took a couple steps back. I turned to look at Hawk and Gage to see what she was seeing and could see they were as outraged as I was. I shoved my rage down, "Baby girl, we're not mad at you" I told her as calmly as I could muster.

"I brought this here. I brought him here. This could hurt Ember or Cass. I don't know how far he is willing to go and I can understand you wanting me to go," Amelia began speaking quickly and she seemed to be in the beginnings of a panic attack.

I stepped up to her quickly and though she resisted a little at first she allowed me to pull her into my chest, "Baby girl, you're not going anywhere. I am not going to let this prick come anywhere near you. We'll take care of him." I began rubbing circles on her back trying to soothe her.

"But it's not your problem," She choked out. I could tell she was struggling not to cry.

"Amelia, I already told you that we take care of our own. This man is a sick fuck. Who knows what all he has done or is going to do because of his obsession with you? You are not leaving, we won't allow it. We are going to take care of this and we can protect our women." Hawk stated.

"You have our protection Amelia. That man is not coming near you or any of the women." Gage added.

"Gage, go wake up the men. We are going to have church in 10 minutes. We need to get everyone up to date with this new threat. Blade, take Amelia up to my room she can stay with Flame while we are meeting. We are going to have the women be on lock down for now. We don't know how big of a threat this man is." Hawk ordered us. Gage left to begin waking everyone up. Hawk walked off as well.

I pulled away some from Amelia to look at her face. Her eyes were puffy and red rimmed but she was still just a beautiful though it seemed her light had dimmed some. "Baby girl, are you going to be okay hanging out with Flame while we have church?" she simply nodded to me. "All the men are going to hear about what is going on but we probably won't tell them everything but they have to have a clear picture of the danger. Are you going to be okay with that?" she simply nodded again. She seemed to have retreated into herself and could not be her normal bubbly self. I didn't like that at all. I don't care what my brothers decided I am going to eliminate this threat. No one threatens my light.

Sitting in church waiting for Hawk to start there was a lot of bitching and moaning going on. Some of the men had partied hard last night, especially Buster and Screw. They really didn't learn their lesson the first time around, truly there were idiots. Amelia still didn't talk at all and I hated leaving her, but I knew I was needed here. Whatever it took to keep her safe I was going to do it.

Hawk banged the gavel on the table starting the meeting. "Alright men, I know this is not our normal time of having church and many of you are hunger over from last night's festivities but we had a situation occur early this morning. Someone left an envelope on the gate. We think they put it there during the shift switch of the prospects. The name on the envelope was Amelia."

Some of the men that weren't fully paying attention perked up at that. "Why would someone leave a message for Tequila on our gate? Is she in danger?" Buster piped out looking angry.

Gage tossed out the picture and note from the envelope. People reacted differently rage, confusion, annoyance, but all the brothers after they saw the picture turned to me in shock. I kept my face blank.

"You claiming that woman?" Axel asked staring me down.

"Haven't figured that out yet, but she is a light that I am going to protect no matter what." I confessed. I wanted them to know that she meant something to me, but I didn't want to reveal just how much yet.

"Shit, can't any of you men find a woman that isn't going to bring us a bunch of trouble?" Ink said running a hand down his face. Hawk, Gage, and I each glared and growled at him. He through his hands up in a surrender expression, "I'm not saying they're not great or that we shouldn't help them. I'm just saying I see a pattern." Her hurried his words trying not to face our wrath.

Axel laughed, "Until you find you're one woman Ink I advise you be careful what you say when someone else has already found theirs, which goes for all of you men that have yet to find your one."

"Blade said he wasn't claiming her though." Buster piped up almost defensively. What was his problem?

I quickly stood up and slammed my fist on the table, "Fine, I am. Amelia is my light. She is mine."

Gage and Hawk gave me knowing smirks. Axel had to say, "Well another one bites the dust." I rolled my eyes to that. Buster looked frustrated. Why does he care who I make my old lady?

"Well now that that is settled. Let's get back to the matter at hand." Hawk drew everyone back to focus on Amelia's problem.

Hawk recounted part of Amelia's story of her time with Henry in his apartment. The men around the table had the same reactions we had had.

"That's sick!"

"What the fuck kind of man does that?"
"We're going to kill that fucker right?"

"He's going to have to go through us first!"

"He won't lay a hand on Tequila!"

"Alright, we know everyone is angry over this, but now what needs to happen is we need a plan. This sick bastard has followed Amelia here. We do not know how far he is willing to go to get to her, but I feel like there probably isn't anything he wouldn't do." Hawk stated.

"We want the women to be on lock down for now. They cannot go anywhere without two brothers with them. We're going to go out in groups in a search through the town looking for anyone with the description that Amelia gave us. See if we can sniff him out." Gage ordered.

"Well now I have to agree with Ink. You men really do attract women with danger." Axel teased us.

"What about Tequila? Who is going to be with her?" Buster asked.

"Blade will stay with Amelia." Hawk stated.

We continued discussing plans of how we were going to handle this situation and find Henry. I was itching to get back upstairs and check on my light. I need to be there for her right now. Then at some point I'm going to have to explain that I've already claimed her. Yea, that was going to be a fun conversation. 

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