The black out

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Jadens POV 

Tayler and his so called buff men just welcomed their selfs in. I fucking hate Tayler. He has ruined everyone's life's. Mads was yelling at everyone to stopbut then I didn't hear her anymore. I guess she ran up to her room after no one listened to her. 

J- YO. Get your asses out of my house now before I call the fucking police on your bitch asses!

T- well be back.

J- well see. Your ass just might be in jail. 

K- bro where is mads at? 

B- dude I haven't seen her in like an hour. 

J-  Everyone check the house! Now!

All of the boys started checking the house and there was no sign oh her. But just then Kio found her in the kitchen on the floor. 

K- Jaden I found her! 

J- what the fuck happened?! 

K- I don't know I just found her here like this. 

J- call 911 now, no excuses. 

So Kio called 911 and they were on there way. In the meantime Jaden was with Mads trying to wake her up. But it seems like her breathing has gotten a lot faster that what it was before. Like she was having a nightmare and she couldn't be woken from it. 

J- Griff! I need you to call me down here now!

G- what happened? 

J- her breathing has gotten a lot worse and she is shaking like crazy and I don't know what to d- 

Mads wakes up and screams.

She went to go hide I the corner to stay away from people. She looked scared and threatened almost. Like she had seen a ghost.  Griff got up and walked away. Now it was just mads and Jaden.

J- Hey Mads. Are you okay?

M- who are you? I don't know you.

J- it's me Jaden, your best friend.

M- nessa is my best friend.

J- Mads it's me Jaden? You don't remember me?

M-  I'm sorry I don't remember.

J- what if I showed you something. Would that help you remember?

M- yes please.

J- remember this photo we took?

J- remember this photo we took?

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J- we went sledding. You were super happy.  Do you kinda remember?

M- no I'm sorry. 

J- let me show you another one.

J- let me show you another one

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