The big fight

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Mads POV

It's been a couple months since me and Jaden broke up. To be exact it's been almost been 9 months and in the meantime me and Tayler have gotten back together. I don't know what the hell when through my mind to get back together with him but I did. It was I guess peer pressure. He said if I didn't date him again he would kill me. I never wanted to be with him ever again. I never even expected me and Jaden to break up. Here we are almost a year later, I've completely lost myself. I want to break up with Tayler but every time I even say the word break up he will slap me.

T- mads come down here please!

M- coming! 

M- what's up Tay?

T- I'm leaving, I'm going over to the hype house? Do you wanna come with? 

M- I'm kinda tired. Can i stay home today?

T- that's fine. 

M- thank you. 

T- your welcome babe. Be safe okay?

M- I will.

T- I love you.

M- love you too.

Then he left. It doesn't feel normal dating him or him saying babe. I miss Jaden so much. I miss his hugs and everything about him. I need to stop I'm dating tayler. I'll just go swing by sway to see the boys.

I got in my car and drove off. Jadens new song just came on. Pray. I sat there and cried bcause I didn't know that I put him through that. I made him fe l like shit. What is wrong with me. 

Jadens POV

Well today would be me and and mads 1 and a half years together.  I overheard her voice when Bryce was on a call with her. She sounded sad. This was all my fault. I made her like this. She was forced to get back together with Tayler. Oh well that's her fault I don't ever want to see her again. 

⚠️ Self harm warning⚠️

I can't take it anymore. I hate everything I did but we both did things. I can't take it. All of the fucking pain. I found my pill bottle and took the whole thing. I started to get dizzy and stated to see things. What the hell did I just do? Next thing I knew it went black.

⚠️ Self harm warning clear⚠️

Mads POV 

I got over to the sway house after calling Bryce. We were sitting in the living room talking about the last nine months of our lives until we hear a Big Bang come from upstairs. Bryce jumps over the couch and runs upstairs. I do the same thing. He walks into everyone's room. Then we both stand outside jadens room . Bryce ran in and I stayed outside the door. I was to scared to see what happened to him. He was my first everything. He still is.  But I can't think about that right now. I'm dating Tayler and I need to see what happened with him. Bryce called me into jadens room and the next thing I see is a   Unconscious Jaden laying on the floor with pill bottles everywhere. Did I do this to him? 

M- what happened to him?! I yelled and starts to cry

I fell to my knees right next to him and tried to get him to wake up.

M- Jaden please wake up! Jae please!

But no response. I ran out of his room and ran right to my car and drove off. I don't know where I as going but I needed to get out of there as soon a possible. I couldn't go over to the hype house because Tayler was over there.  But all of my friends are over there. So I drove over to the hype house and  I  asked addi if I could come over already. I snuck around the side and asked addi  to let me through the garage. 

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