I promise

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Mads POV

I woke up the next morning worrying about how I'm going to make it through another day. I've been so down in the dumps lately for no reason. I just feel like all my friends hate me and are going to leave me. Including Jaden. He is the one I am most worried about because I don't know how he is going to feel when I tell him this.  But We leave for the Bahamas tomorrow morning. And Tayler is coming with, because I meant to add Kio but added him instead. I am just laying in my bed staying as far away from people today. But right then and there Kio comes into my room.

K- Hey are you okay you seemed kind of sad yesterday.

M- I'm fine Kio, you can leave now.

K- Common mads. Please talk to me.

M- Kio I don't know how to describe it.

K- describe what?

M- I feel like all my friends hate me including Jaden the most. We leave for the trip tomorrow and I added Tayler instead of you. And I want you to come instead of him.

K- mads, let me tell ya. No one hates you. Especially Jaden, he is in love with you. He can't keep his eyes off you. For crying out loud he called you his girlfriend on his post.

M- Wait what?

K- yeah, but I don't think he meant to.

M- it's okay.

K- I'll see you later okay?

M- thanks Kio for everything. I'm glad your one of my best friends.

He just nods and walks out. 

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Liked by jadenhossler, nessabarrett, kiocyr and 1.3 mil more.

Mads.yo-  hi. 

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Kio posted on his story

Now we got jealous jaden

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Now we got jealous jaden. He always gets mad or something when kio posts after mads. He really is starting to think Kio is obsessed over mads. He won't admit it but it seems like he is. He thinks mads is going to leave him for kio. Keep in mind kio and mads are best friends. And have always been even before she met jaden.  But mads does feel something for kio. She just doesn't want to admit it because she still likes jaden.

J- Mads can I talk to you?

M- Sure what's up jae?

J- Is there something going on between you and kio?

M- Jaden ofc not. We are just friends and y'all are best friends. Bro code and girl code as well.

J- Mads you seem super judgy lately.

M- You want me to tell you why?! Jaden I'm fucking pregant!!!! Just stop. Leave me alone. Don't talk to me anymore.

J- wai- who's baby?

M- Jaden I don't know. Okay? I promise I will tell you when I find out. But I need to talk to you and all the boys first. Please get them.


M- okay boys I wanna talk you about something very important. And please listen to me.

All the boys shook their heads.

M- Okay, please don't hate me but... I'm pregnant. But before you start asking questions no I don't know who's baby it is. And this is where I wanted to tell you um- I was kinda- Raped.

All the boys- What!!

M- boys just stop. I'm fine. It's just that ever since it happned I've been distant. And I'm sorry it's not my f-fault it's just that I don't know what to do. And I really hope you guys would want to help me out.

They all stood up and gave me a hug. Kio was the last one. He said he wanted to talk to me about something.  So I followed him.

K- Um- I just wanted to say..... I kinda like you Mads and I just wanted to say it to get it off my chest because-
Mads kisses him.

M- I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that.

K- no it's fine. I kinda liked it.

I blush.

M- we can not tell Jaden. Like ever. He gets so jealous.

K- Got it.

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Jxdn posted a new photo!

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Liked by mads.yo, kiocyr, joshrichards and 1.4 mil more.

jxdn- Try me bitch.

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Hey y'all I'm sorry this chapter took forever. Like march forever. I have been so busy with school and testing and even working now! I just wanted to try to finish something so I could get it out to yall. I hope you enjoy it.

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