Home invasion

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Jaden's POV
I heard some banging around downstairs and Mads was taking longer than usual to check the front door, so I decided to go downstairs. I see stuff laying everywhere and glasses broke, plates broke, but yet no sight of Mads.
But then I see Mads laying on the couch, she looked like she was hurt but yet she wasn't awake. So, I texted the boys.
The Boys
J- yo boys, where are y'all at right now?
K- at home why?
JR- I'm with Nessa. What's up?
G- at home with Brooklyn. (That's his dog in the story)
Q- headed home.
J- well y'all need to get here now, the house is a mess, and someone broke in. Mads went to go check the door and now she's unconscious on the couch. She's not responding to anyone. Please hurry and get here.
Read at 12:30am

J- Mads please answer me. It's Jaden, if you can hear me, I just wanted to tell you I love you.  And the boys are on there way to help you. I promise, nothing is gonna happen to you.
Then I heard someone rush in the door, it was all the boys. Nessa went right over to Mads, and I didn't realize quinton brought Cynthia, but that's okay, they are all good friends.
Q- what happened in here bro?
J- I-I-I- I don't know, I-I-I-I just came down and it was a-a-a-a mess. And now Mads is hurt. And it's my fault. She just wanted to help me and then in the process she got hurt. I'm such a bad boyfriend to her.
B- alright bro, come with me.
B- bro your stressing to much, take a couple deep breaths and chill. You don't need to blame yourself. Shit happens bro. It sucks I know, but you sometimes just need to be with her bro, she's kinda fighting it by herself because you were freaking out. Now go be with her.
J- thanks bro. Means a lot.

He was right I need to be with her, that's my girlfriend for crying out loud. I go downstairs to see that she was getting rolled out on a stretcher. I'll drive to the hospital. I need to be with her. So I get in my car and drive off. I made it to the hospital, parked my car and ran into the building.

J- i am here for Mads Lewis?
Fdl- are you related to her?
J- I'm her boyfriend.
Fdl- room 373.
J- thank you.
I ran as fast as I could and made it to her room. She looked peaceful. I'm scared for her.  Why if she doesn't make i- Jaden shut the fuck up. She's gonna make it she's strong.


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Liked by- joshrichards, nessabarett, brycehall and 1.4 mil more
jadenhossler- hey guys, I just wanted to say please keep Mads in your hearts, someone broke in last night and Mads got put in the hospital. I know she'll power through it. She's brave smart sweet, and the most strong girl I've ever met. I love y'all and please not hate on anyone.

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Liked by- jadenhossler, nessabarett, addisonrae. And 1.4 mil more

brycehall- oldie but a goodie. If y'all heard yes Mads is in the hospital because of a home invasion. I want no hate on either side of Jaden or Mads. They are both amazing people.

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A couple months later....

Mads POV
I woke up with a really bad headache. Where was I? Why am I in a hospital? Where is Jaden?
M- nurse? Where is Jaden at? I need jaden!  Please someone get him!
N- okay please calm down. I'll get him.

N- is Mr. Hossler out here?
J- yes I'm right here.
N- Mads just woke up she is looking for you?
J- okay I'm coming right now!
Jadens POV
I run into Mads room Like a hurricane because I haven't seen her in months. I run and jump into her arms. We both sit there for about an hour. It feels so good to know she's not gone. She was in my arms. Alive and healthy. I love her to death. She's my world, In my arms.


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Liked by joshrichards, nessabarett, mads. yo and 1.7 mil more
jadenhossler-  Look who's back. She's alive and heathy, thank you to all of the prayers I've gotten, and Mads too. We love all of y'all dearly.

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Liked by joshrichards, jadenhossler, nessabarett and 1.4 mil more
Mads.yo- look who's back! Thank y'all for all of the love and prayers. Will definitely be posting a lot more. Love you and justrememberyourbeautiful. 💖🥺💕
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Mads POV
Me and Jae were just sitting around and watching a movie. Then all of the boys came in and jumped on us.
M- Oh shit, get off. Dang. Haha
TB- sorry.
M- what do y'all need? Wanna watch a movie with us?
TB- sure. There's nothing else better to do.
So they all sat down and watched a scary movie. They ordered pizza and had a bunch of popcorn. Sounds like fun right? Well in the middle of the movie they hear a sound that did not come from the movie. The boys went downstairs while Mads hid in the bathroom. They didn't want to run into someone that was gonna kill her.
Then she heard yelling from downstairs. So she goes and checks it out.
Mads POV
I hear yelling and screaming from downstairs. I listen carefully about what they are talking about. I try to open the bathroom door quietly so they don't hear me. Then I try to open my bedroom door, luckily no one was there. I go down the hall and try to stay really quiet because the stairs are very squeaky. I hear Jaden and someone else arguing over someone? Could that who I think it is? Jaden is fighting with my ex. Tayler Holder. I go doesn't the stairs quietly and they are fighting in the other living room, I go around the corner and see them fighting. I go where they can see me and it's not who I thought it was. It's someone from the hype house? I think his name might be chase? I'm not sure. Then he is still fighting with Jaden. I try to get a better picture of who he is, I still can't tell who he is. Wow this is really bothering me. Jaden was about to say something before the mysterious person turne around. And looked at me.

M- Tayler?

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