Getting married

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Well shit. Tayler is after me again. I tried to hide from him the best I could have, but I guess he found me again. I'm just waiting for Jaden to get home.

A couple hours later...
I hear someone knock on the front door. I just told myself to stay put because I didn't know who was going to come In so I texted kio.

Mads💯- are you home?
Kio🧸- No. is everything ok?
Mads 💯-No not really. I don't know who is knocking on the front door.
Kio🧸- okay, I will have someone come check it out. Just stay where you are at.
Mads💯- thank you Kio.

So at this point I was just about to call Jaden, but then someone came in the house. They started to call my name. I ran as fast as I could and locked the bedroom door and then team back to the bathroom and locked that door. I really hope its not Tayler. But it sounded like jadens voice. 

M- who's there?


M- Jaden is that you?

J- where are you at? 

M- I'm upstairs. Come fast 

J- Babe are you okay? What are you doing up here?

I didn't know how to tell him tayler is after me again. I just kept looking down. My eyes started to get really foggy. It felt like i was about to pass out.

M-Jae, I don't feel-

And I was out.

Jadens POV

M-Jae, I don't feel-

 And she was out 

J-Mads? Babe? Hey wake up! Boys hurry up here!

I was just trying not to cry because if i cry about this it shows I'm weak. But she's my everything.  We are supposed to get married in a couple weeks.

But when I find out why she passed out i know she's going to  hate me she she wakes up.


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Tiktokroom- Nessa and Jaden have been spotted hugging while out together. Mads is not going to be happy when she finds out about this.  Naden? I think so.

Comments off 

Shit shit shit. She is going to kill me. While she is pregnant with my baby. 

M- Jaden?

Oh shit. She's awake. 

M- Hey babe, how are you feeling?

M- Dont hey babe me. We have things we need to talk about. 

J- listen. Before you say anything let me explain. 

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