Tayler Holder

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Mads POV

M- T-Tayler. What are you doing here? 

T- I'm here for you princess.

M- Tayler we broke up almost 2 years ago. Why are you still obsessed with me?

T- What did you just say to me bitch?!

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️

And right there Tayler slapped her right across the face and she falls to the ground crying because no one is home to get Tayler off. 

Tayler grabs her by her hair and dragged her to the other room and ties her to a chair.  He tapes her mouth shut and shuts the door and leaves.

⚠️ Trigger warning over⚠️

Jadens POV 

I haven't heard from mads all day. She would have texted or Calle-


Shit Tayler probably got ahold of her while we were gone. Shit shit shit. I told her to come with but she insisted  on staying home. I'm going home now.

At home...

J- Mads!! Mads where are you?!?

I hear moving around so I go check it out. 

J- mads! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you bleeding?

I rip the duck tape off her mouth and I untie her. She immediately jumped into my arms and sat there and cried for about a couple hours.

Then she got up and toLed me what happened to her. 

Oh that little mother fucker.he had my blood boiling. 

J- Hey it's okay, your safe now from him. I promise. You are safe with me and the boys. Would you wanna go tan? Since you haven't had the chance to yet?

M- yes please

So we both go outside and mads  decides to take some pictures

Mads POV

I was so stressed today I'm so glad Jaden decided to ask if I wanted to go tan outside since I haven't done it in a while, so I thought it would be cute,to take some pictures.


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