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M- Tayler?

End of recap

Jadens POV

Mads comes around the corner and sees me and Tayler fighting and then when he turns around and she saw his she suprisingly knew who he was. 

J- mads can I speak to you privately?

J- how did you know who he is? 

M- Jaden I never told you, but me and Tayler used to date. 

J- So why is he here now?

M- I actually have no idea. When we first broke up he would not leave my side. He was so scared that I was gonna get hurt by another guy or someone else. Jaden, he used to beat me to the point of me going to the emergency room and having to lie about what was going on.

J-  So your saying dick face hurt you?

M- *sniffles* yes. But please don't get into a fight. Jae please, you don't know what he's capable of. 

J-  I do now, babe he hurt you. You think Imma let him get away with it? 

M-  I understand. Just please don't hurt him or get yourself hurt.

So then I ran out of the room to go find Tayler and confront him. 

J-  Yo Tayler! Living room now!

T- Bro chill, what do you need?

J-  Laying your hands on girls I see? 

T-  Bro I would never hurt a girl. 

J-  So the scars on mads can't explain anything? Or why she told me you would hurt her? Or why she's so jumpy and doesn't really like being touched?

T- Bro how did you find out about that? Mads I swear to god if you told him!

 I see out of the corner of my eye mads jumps a bit. She is crying and seems so scared. I send one of the boys to go over to get her out of here, I don't want him hurting her again. 

J-   Tayler she is so scared of you!  Can you even think for a second why she told me? Hm maybe I don't know? I'm her fucking boyfriend?!

T-  I told her not to get into another relationship! That ruined my fucking reputation! That bitch!

J- Call her a bitch again I dare you!  You can not come barge in here and think your large and in charge! Your a fucking piece of shit who beats girls. Get the fuck out of my house!

Mads POV 

Kio comes over and takes me away from the situation because I could put hold it anymore. I was crying so hard that Tayler hurt me. I was so scared that he was gonna do it again. Then I hear someone slam the front door. I run out of the room and ran into my room locking the bedroom door so no one can get in. 

 J- Mads are you in here? Jaden asked in a calm soothing voice.

I get up and go open the door. Jaden is standing there waiting to come in. I am instantly engulfed into a hug. I just sit there in his arms and cry for a long time, let me tell you it was a long time.

It seemed like they got Tayler to leave the house because I couldn't hear his voice anymore. 



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