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Jaden's POV

We are just sitting in the movie theater when this random guy walk in and pulls out something that he has in his jaket pocket. Oh shit he has a gun.

J- Babe get down he has a gun. I whispered to her.

M- what?! No that can be true.

J- babe be quiet. And if anything happens remember, I will always love you ok-




Mads POV

The guy just started shooting like crazy and Jaden jumped on top of me to protect me.

Right then and there Jaden got shot. I didn't know what else to do but cry. Me and Jaden have only been dating for about a month and he could die on me just like that. I immediately called 911.  I couldn't loose him like that. 

The police arrive and the ambulance does too. They put him on a stretcher and take him out of there real quick because they said if they don't get him out of here now he would die. 

So I'm on my way to the hospital to see Jaden. I'm ready to see how he looks from all of this. He probably will look better or worse because he'll be hooked up to a whole bunch of machines.

(fdl front desk lady)

Fdl- Hi how are you doing today ma'am.

M- I'm fine, do you know where Jaden Hosslers room is? 

Fdl- let me check, ah he's in room243

M- thank you.

So I ended up in front of Jadens room and then I walk in. He looks so peaceful. I need to talk to the doctor to see when he'll be awke.

M- do you know his injuries, Doctor?

Dr- Well as we know of right now he will be in a coma for about 2 months and when he wakes up he might have a bit of memory loss. 

M- okay, thanks doctor.

Dr- your welcome. Have a nice day.

M- you too. 

Well I just heard the worst news ever. I did not want to hear my boyfriend is in s coma for 2 months because of me. Even tho he can't talk to me right now I can still talk to him.

M- Hey Jae, I know your in a coma for about 2 months because you saved my life and risked yours. And that's amazing of you to do that. Jaden even tho we haven't made many memories in the past month, there will be more to come. We all know that, Jae. You have been so sweet  kind,amazing and everything you could want in a guy and I have one right now. He's sweet,funny, amazing, and my rockstar. That will never change. I hope you sleep tight, well duh you already are. For the next 2 months I will be here everyday. I promise. See you later, Rockstar. And I love you too.



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Mads.yo- Hey guys, this is an old picture of me and Jaden. As you may of heard, yes Jaden is in the hospital. We went to the movies yesterday and didn't  expect anything to happen. About maybe halfway through the movie someone comes in late but then soon to realize he had a gun. He started shooting many people. Jaden was protecting me from getting hit and he got shot. He is in a coma for 2 months and I just wanted to say please don't hate on any of us. Especially Jaden when he comes out of his coma. He might have memory loss. So please not hate to anyone.  I love y'all and I just want you to remember 

Justrememberyourbeautiful 💋

Tagged jadenhossler

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Mads POV

So it's been about 2 months since Jaden was in his coma. I went to go visit him everyday.  Today I'm going to visit him again. Hopefully if he's awake he remembers me.

I walk in his room and see jaden awake.

M- hey Jae, how are,you doing?

J- hey babe, I'm doing alright.

M- I thought you won't remember who I was.

J- I'll always remember who you are.

M- that's so sweet Jae.

J- come here.

He tells me to come here so I obviously did. We just cuddle for about 39 minutes and I was just playing with his hair. I missed him so much.  He's the most sweet, honest, amazing, hot person I've ever seen. I don't know if I'd even be here without Jaden. I decided to post.



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Mads.yo- hey guys I just wanted to say thanks for all of the love and support y'all have been on this roller coaster for a while now I just wanted to say Jaden has woken up from his coma. I went to visit him today and he seems happy and excited to go home when he's able to leave. I love y'all and justrememberyourbeautiful. 

Tagged jadenhossler

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The doctor came in and told us some news.

Dr- So I have some news, about Mr. Hossler. So I'm afraid Jaden your going to have to be on  crutches for the next 6 weeks because of you leg being broken as well. 

J- oh no worries thank you.

Dr- anytime.

So we end up going home and just laying down watching movies for hours and I felt safe. I ordered pizza and our friends are coming over as well. They haven't seen Jaden for about 2 month since his accident. So I heard a knock on the front door and I hoped it was the pizza or our friends. It was nether one. 

Hey y'all I just wanted to say thanks for reading my story and I hope y'all have a good night,morning,day,any time of the day and justrememberyourbeautiful💋❤️

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